Monday, January 28, 2008

What kind of world are we living in?

SUPP's leader, a class of its own.

Below is a news report(mandarin) from United daily news reporting the speech of the youth leader of SUPP sibu branch. Mr. Benson Chua was reported blaming the DAP for the corruption of the BN government of which his own SUPP is a partner!

It shows the "intelligence" of the SUPP leaders and the characters and class of its leaders. On the one hand, he asks the people to give a 100% support to the SUPP in the coming election saying that if the 2 SUPP leaders in Sibu can not secure victory in the coming election, then there will be no "representatives" to represent the people, while on the other hand he wants the DAP (opposition) to supervise the BN effectively.

Mr. Chua is considered the 3rd highest ranking youth leader in the SUPP and his stand reflects those of the SUPP's youth leadership and SUPP central committee as well. By this standard, it shows the quality of the SUPP as a political party and its political ideology as a whole.

The ex- health Minister Dr. CSL should have learn from him and put the blame on his wife for not "supervise" his adultery. Abdullah Badawi should also put Mr. Benson Chua in the line-ups for the general election so that he can be appointed as a member of the cabinet as Mr. Benson Chua has the most "brilliant" mind that could tell the world that Malaysian corruption is the fault of the opposition and that the BN is actually the victim.

What kind of world are we living in? It is simply beyond my comprehension and for that matter, most of the human kinds that have a least an IQ of 10!!

David Wong
今日要闻 晋汉斯省 拉让区 北砂 汶莱 半岛 国际 综合 体育 娱乐 论坛 特稿
蔡明成:反对党描黑 吓坏外人拒来投资
(本报诗巫27日讯)人联党诗巫支部青年团团长蔡明成指出,若是监督有效,我国就不会发生贪污腐败的事件。 他说,国阵贪污腐败是反对党的错,若反对党‘监督有方”,国阵还会这么腐败吗? 他表示,反对党只会描黑事情,吓坏有意前来的投资者,最终本地经济停滞不前。党派有责任发展地方 他于昨晚该党诗巫支部青年与妇女组主办的“鼠年行大运,数也数不完”晚宴上说,作为一名代议士,不管是来自国阵或反对党,只要是人民代议士,都有责任为地方带来发展。 蔡明成表示,反对党代表古晋及武吉阿瑟。但这两区的议员只会天天叫骂,以手指路、桥及水沟等问题,想借此引起群众不满。 他称,中选的代议士,就要设法为选区带来发展,而不是挑起人民的不满,任何问题都要与有关当局协商,讨论如何做得更好。 他表示,在这次的大选,必须要确保刘会洲及张泰卿再度中选,否则,就没有代议士为我们争取发展。


Anonymous said...

Benson Chua blaming the opposition for the corruption of the BN government. My interpretation is that because of the opposition, Benson Chua and his fellow BN politicians are forced to fork out that kind of money to buy people's votes. Then oklah. We make it easy for the BN. We don't force you to fork out that kind of money. Don't oblige yourself to drawing out the nation's flesh and blood money. Keep them. Afterall, the money is badly needed to develop the country and not to throw away without any meaning. Just be assured that your people will continue to support you. Did we ever demand that you pay us to vote for you ?

Wai sei ! Wives are supervisors. Nah...they say power, money and women go hand in hand and who knows if this Benson Chua does not have a spare tyre also ? If Dato Dr Chua Soi Lek can do it, you think others do not ? Kesian his wife. Must feel so malu now. May be she wish she is an ostrich so that she can bury her head in the sand and does not have to know what is happenning.

Anonymous said...




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