Friday, August 7, 2009

3亿的州议会,3000个普南人断粮。好一个“1 Malaysia"!

3亿令吉的州议会,3000个断粮的普南人 (1 个Malaysia)

当我们政府利用1800警力来为我们崭新的3亿“富丽堂皇”的州议会开幕时,我们的普南同胞们和他们的小孩连白米粥都没得喝。我们不禁要问“这就是我们首相所谓的 “1 个马来西亚” 吗?”

我们砂州46年在国阵治理下,现在是大马4个最落后的州属之一.可是我们却是大马最多资源的一个州属,例子;我们出产了3份之1 国内的石油和天然气(价值数百亿)。国阵能给我们一个合理的交代吗?为什么联邦政府还我们的汽油/天然气的开采税只有区区的5%而不是20%?

可是我们知道不管有多先进的州议会, 议会的表现是100%靠议员的素质去决定. 反观现在的立法议会,我们很难看到几个真正为国为民的立法议员。议会只不过是国阵政府的殿堂而不是人民的殿堂,议员是国阵政府的“应声虫”。也难怪被人说是国阵的“kangaroo court”来对付任何的异议声音。不信?看一下3000个普南人断粮的问题是否会在3亿令吉的新州议会里被带出来“辩论”?

3亿令吉能够起几间华小? 能够给几个需要帮忙的贫穷家庭?能买几架洗肾机器?能建几间国立大学?能够给多少份奖学金?能够建几间低价房屋?这些问题好像根本就没有在国阵“尊贵”领袖们的头脑里停留过!


Sunday, August 2, 2009

What a cut-throat water bill (Rm2569.85 的水单)

From top to bottom:
1)A "kind" recommendation from the SUPP(BN) leader to allow the Mr. Chieng to pay the astronomical bill by instalments. Is that the best the SUPP/BN can do?

The Sibu Water Board's bill amounting to RM2569.85) with a after-discount amount of RM1635.10 issued on 17/07/2009.
The house of Mr. Chieng is located some 250 feet away from the Water's meter. That is the furthest distant I have ever seen that a water reading meter is away from the house in my 10 years of field work.
With Mr.LeeTohHung, my task force's member at the site of the water meter.Standing there is Mr. Chieng, the victim of the "design" by Sibu Water Board who is pointing to the location of his house some 250 feet away from the spot that the water meter is installed."Could it be a world record?"my task force members commented. Mr. Chieng showing me all the bills and documents once we arrived at the site.
Preparation work before we set off on our field work and the Rocket flags are flown high to show that DAP is there to serve, an important aspect as many are worry about crimes and security to open their doors to strangers (if we are not known to them)



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