Thursday, October 15, 2009


诗巫长吉路第17巷的居民面对不能进屋的困境。他们屋前的道路已经沉没了超过2-3英尺导致他们的车辆不能顺利的驾入车房。特别是那几间比较近everwin supermarket 的屋子,简直是不可能能够把车驾入。
地方政府收了我们的门牌税,州政府和联邦政府也都收了我们纳的税务和掌管了国家的资源,他们就有义务好好的利用那些钱为我们服务。英语讲“ No taxation without responsibility",就是说拿了人民的钱就应该负起责任。


1个大马 里的 2个裸体小孩






1Malaysia & 2 naked kids
I ran into 2 naked kids (the one on bicycle is a 4yrs plus gal while the other is a 3 yrs old boy) during my visit 2 one of the residential areas in Sibu,Sarawak on the 14/10/2009.
The small girll seen like a mentally handicapped kid while her brother responded 2 me positively. She was riding the bike by herself while her bro. tried to stop her from drifting further away from her house. I was shocked by the whole episode as this is the first time that l found small kids running amok in nude without any adult around to supervise them. They were almost knocked down by a vehicle as they were obviously unaware of their surroundings. The vehicle stopped just in time 2 avoid knocking the girl down.
I asked the boy for his address and followed them to their house with the main gate wide opened and l went into the house's compound unobstructed and saw a few older kids in the house. The small boy called 4 his mum while l waited. She came out and l told her about the missed accident while she scolded her elder kids for not taking care of the small gal. But l found that the main door's grill were secured by chain and wonder how the kids could be outside.
I asked the mum some questions 2 have a better understanding of the family and was told she has 7 kids and the girl in question is mentally handicapped. She was quite reluctant to open up to us although l did introduced us properly. We left the contact number as we left.
Later on, l approached their neighbours and was told that the kids have been running around freely without supervision and that there seems something amiss about the family. I was told they just moved in a few months back and rented the house. They don't know them well enough to probe further.
The above incident tells the tale of many M'sian who struggle to make ends meet and how the adults are more concern with feeding the family than paying attention to their other needs. What would the PM tell us? 1 Malaysia again? The slogan definitely means nothing to the above gal and boy and their family and so do many millions of Malaysian.
David Wong

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Last Sunday, DAP Sarawak leaders and members went to the assistance of an elderly Iban widow as we pulled our team to Sg. Lattaf, 20 minutes drive from Sibu town.

We learnt that she wanted to plant the rice seedlings on a plot of rented land but she had no one 2 assist her as her neighbours were all busy planting their own rice seedling. DAP sarawak state chairman then organised the team from DAP Sibu n DAP Lanang to give her a helping hand.

Many of us have no experience in that but we were of high spirit and helped the elderly woman to finish planting her small rented plot in an hour. Sweat and body ache did no stop us in rendering our service to the people in need.

We also donated some weed killer to her as she can't afford the RM 110 per 4-litre weed killer. She lives along in the simple hut measuring some 10'x8' and she has no one to depend on. Her belongings in the hut is all she has and her hope is simply a good harvest next March so that at least she would not go hungry next year.

The government must do more for the poor and must grant assistance in the form of fertiliser and weed killer and bring in mechanize farming to Sarawak. We have plenty of land being abandoned which should be turned into producing assets. Didn't the BN said they want to turn Sarawak into a rice bowl of M'sia? Where is the RM 50 millions grant from the federal government to achieve the said objective. The state government must answer to these questions and more.

David Wong

Friday, October 9, 2009


话说我国首相在五月初(May12,2009)拜访沙巴时针对媒体发问为何近来常常到访东马时说 “去年当我来的时候,我就形容沙巴是国阵的 ‘定期户口’,今天我来检查看那个存款的价值是否有变质。。。” 所以首相就用最实际的方式来回报沙巴的贡献,把4个内阁部长和5个联邦副部长位让给沙巴人。对首相和国阵来讲可能那就是天大的恩惠和至高无上的荣誉吧,尽管沙巴也是大马最贫穷的一个州属和面对一摞摞的治安,经济和基本设施问题。最重要的是沙巴的国阵有官好做,那才是重点!
首相把沙巴说成是国阵的宝,这言论紧紧牵扯到砂州国阵领袖的神经了,我们砂州土保党的一位领袖马上在报章上说“我们砂劳越也是国阵的 ‘定期户口’ 哦。。。” 只怕首相不懂的他们的忠心和功劳。那个砂州的内阁部长还说“我相信当首相来到砂州时,他会表达同样的意见关于砂州也是国阵的‘定期户口’。。。”
君不见我们砂州在去年大选时给了国阵横扫了31个国会议席的30个席位吗?那个神奇的号码是30,对,就是30,不就是现在国阵赖以执政的议席吗?没有这30个砂州的议席 或者如果安华在去年的916能够得到砂州的30个国会议员支持的话,今天大马的政府应该不是国阵的了,拿吉也不是大马首相了!
我们期望我们的钱,不但不会没有回酬更不会被国阵败光。就好像去年许多百年的美国的银行倒闭一样,如158年的LEHMAN BROTHERS HOLDINGS INC.许多的投资者全部身家在一夜之间蒸发了.
所以现在我们不好盲目的‘投资’或把全部的钱放在一个管理不当的银行里。 就好像“国阵银行”52年来只会‘烧钱’,如以前的土著银行,马航,巴生自由贸易区港口和无数算不及的例子。现在,我们国阵政府还要成为世界第一,出一队F1车队呢!连美国和日本的顶尖汽车公司都退出的F1是一个公认‘烧钱’数第一的运动,大马又有什么理由和本钱去插上一腿呢?
难道我们真的是钱太多,没有地方用?答案如果是 ‘是’的话,那么F1肯定的能帮我们一年烧掉马币10亿。另一个可以肯定的是大马人民将是最大的受害‘投资者’。 到底马币10亿可以做些什么?难道国阵政府一概念都没有吗?当然他们有,只是他们不能让全世界的人都知道吧?钱是国阵政府在大选时唯一的依靠,特别是来届大选。没有钱国阵竟选机器就跑不动了。国阵有庞大的朋党都需要钱去养,没钱是万万不行啦。国阵的金钱政治王国没有钱更万万不行啦。那么这样的‘国阵银行’还会带给定期户口什么?这样只会烧钱的银行不要说有回馈,没有倒闭简直是奇迹呢。它还有任何的信用值得我们继续投资下去?信用是建在堆出更多类似F1和利用媒体来粉刷他们风光的一面来误导他们的定期户口的顾客。那么我们做为它的顾客又应该怎么做呢?你我都懂啦,哈哈哈。。。

P.S 老马不是叫我们向东学习吗,日本人在54年后终于换了政府,我们也应该向他们看齐吧。




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