Monday, April 28, 2014

Motion to increase Dewan Meetings and extend duration of Dewan Meeting

Dewan Sitting 5th – 15th May, 2014
25th April, 2014

Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak

Petra Jaya
93502 Kuching


Re:     Standing Order 23, Notice of Motion

This serves to give notice under Standing Order 23 that the undersigned, ADUN for N.48 Pelawan wish to move the following motion at the above Dewan sitting during the current session:-

Motion to increase the number of meetings and sittings for Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak

1)      The Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak only meets twice a year(2 meetings per session), and each meeting has normally only  8 days of sitting.

As a result, there is insufficient time for Honorable Members to debate and deliberate on issues of the People, many oral questions remain unanswered, private members’ motions are summarily rejected without debate and thus many issues of the People remain unresolved.

2)      It has become a practise that many issues brought up in the Dewan meeting will only be addressed and dealt with by the relevant government authorities when the subsequent  meeting is about to convene for fear of the embarassment of having the same issues being brought up a second time in the subsequent meeting. As such, the People are made to wait unnecessarily for extra few months for some of their simple problems to be addressed by the relevant authorities.

3)      Sixteen(16) days of meeting per year is not doing justice to the RM 296.50 million Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak building which is grossly under-utilised.


1)      The number of meetings per session of the Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak be increased from two(2) to three(3);

2)      The number of sittings per meeting be extended to 14 days per meeting exclusive of public holdays or/and weekends.

Yours faithfully,

David Wong Kee Woan
ADUN Pelawan (N. 48)

修法准习俗地买卖 黄培根:获更高经济效益


同意分担和联医疗费 黄培根赞首长有道义



1) To ask the Minister for Infrastructure Development and Communication (Oral reply)
Roads in Sibu
A)     Is there any plan to upgrade Jalan Ulu Sg. Merah into a double-lane trunk road? If yes, when? If no, why?
B)      Is there any plan to ease the worsening traffic congestion in Sibu? If yes, how? If no, why?

2) To ask the Minister for Resource Planning and Environment (II) (Written reply)
A)    Please list the initiatives taken by SESCO to upgrade the grid systems and the expenses thereof,
B)    Please list the total grant given to SESCO over the past 5 years by the federal and state government,
C)    Can SESCO unilaterally increase the tariff of electricity without the consent of the state government?
D)    Is there any plan by SESCO to increase the tariff or has there been any discussion with the state government in this regard?

3) To ask the Chief Minister (Written reply)
University College of Technology Sarawak (UCTS)

A)     Is UCTS considered a Public (IPTA) or a Private University College (IPTS)?
B)      Is it fully subsidized by the state government?
C)      Is there any plan to make it Free Education for all qualified Sarawakians to undertake their studies in UCTS?
D)     What is the actual cost of construction inclusive of the market price of the land?
E)      How much subsidies will the state government grant UCTS over the next 2 years?

4) To ask the Minister for Tourism (Oral reply)
Air travel
A)     Why does Malindo Air stop it Sibu sector from June 2014 onward? Has the State government been informed and agreed to it?
B)      Why the sector to and from Sibu carries one of the most expensive fares within Malaysia?
C)      What are the measures taken to upgrade the security system of air travel in Sarawak?

5) To ask the Minister for Local Government and Community Development (Oral reply)
In remembrance of Mr. Lau King Howe 

Is there any plan to change the name of Jalan Hospital to Jalan Lau King Howe in view of the overwhelming public support to do so? If No, why?

6) To ask the Minister for Public Utilities (Written reply)
 Water supply in Sibu
A)     The PM has promised the funding for the upgrading of the main water pipes in Sibu in 2010, when will the upgrading be carried out?
B)      What measures have been taken to solve the low water pressure in many areas of Sibu, especially the residential areas in Sg. Merah?

7) To ask the Minister for Public Utilities (Written reply)
Sacofa communication towers in the state
A)     How many Sacofa communication towers have been erected in the state, please provide the breakdowns by each division of the state.
B)      There are studies which shown that theses communication towers pose health hazards to those living and working in their close vicinity, has the government done any study that shows otherwise? Please provide the details of the study(ies) done.
C)      What exactly do the telecommunication towers served apart from providing the Telcos the infrastructures for their business enterprise?

8) To ask the Minister for Social Development (Oral reply)
Sport complex in Sibu
A)     Why is Sibu still without an indoor sport stadium?
B)      Is there any plan to build one? If yes, when and where will it be built? If No, why?

9) To ask the CM (Written reply)
Illegal cyber gambling
A)     How many illegal cyber gambling outlets are there still operating in Sarawak? Please list out the numbers of these outlets by each division in the state.
B)      What measures have been taken and can be taken by the state government, apart from the raids by the police, to eradicate these social ills?

10) To ask the Minister for Infrastructures and Communication (Written Reply)
Sibu flood mitigation plan
A)     What was the expected completed date?
B)      Why did it take so long whereas many bigger scale projects in the peninsular Malaysia can be done within a shorter time span?

C)      Please state the actual percentage of work done to date as per the whole flood mitigation master plan?

  1.       请问基本设施与通讯部长(口头答复)
(a)    政府是否计划将乌鲁顺溪美拉路提升至双向大道?如是,在何时?如不,为什么?
(b)   有什么计划来解决诗巫交通日益拥挤的情况?如有,将如何改善?如不,为什么?

2.       请问第二资源管理与环境部和公共事业部长(书面答复)
(a)    请详细列出砂电力公司(Sesco)提升电供系统方面的举措,包括所花费的费用。
(b)   请详细列出过去5年,联邦政府和州政府所给予砂电力公司的拨款数额。
(c)    砂能源有限公司是否可以不需要州政府的同意下私自调高电费?
(d)   砂能源有限公司是否计划提高州内电费价格或已经与州政府商讨相关事宜?

3.       请问首席部长(书面答复)
(a)    砂科技大学学院被鉴定为国立大学或私立大学?
(b)   它是否是一所由州政府全面资助的学院?
(c)    是否有计划让符合条件的砂州子民在砂科技大学学院享有免费的教育?
(d)   其初步建设的费用是多少,包括土地的价钱?
(e)   在未来的2年州政府将津贴多少的补助金给砂科技大学学院?

4.       请问旅游部长(口头答复)
(a)    为什么马印航空将于20146月开始停飞诗巫的航线?州政府是否获得通知?州政府是否同意?
(b)   请解释为何来返诗巫的机票是国内最贵的?
(c)    大马机场有限公司将采取什么措施来提升州内机场和航班的保安系统?

5.       请问地方政府与社区发展部长(口头答复)
(a)    鉴于绝大多数公众的支持,政府是否计划将医院路改为刘钦侯医院路?如不,为什么?

6.       请问公用事业部长(书面答复)
(a)    首相在2010年曾经承诺拨款来提升诗巫的大型输水管,请问这项计划将在何时进行?
(b)   政府将采取什么措施来解决诗巫面对的低水压问题,特别是乌鲁顺溪美拉住宅区?

7.       请问公用事业部长(书面答复)
(a)    目前SACOFA在砂州拥有多少通讯塔?请依据地区列出数据。
(b)   这些建造在住宅区的通讯塔是否危害人民的健康?政府在批准前是否进行安全测试?请列出相关测试报告。
(c)    这些设备除了为通讯企业提供通讯设施之外,通讯塔真正的用途是什么?

8.       请问体育与青年部长(口头答复)
(a)    为何诗巫依旧没有室内体育馆?
(b)   是否有计划建造一座体育馆?如是,在何时及何地兴建?如不,为什么?

9.       请问首席部长(书面答复)
(a)    砂州目前还有多少间非法网络赌博中心在营业?请列出各省份的数据。
(b)   除了警方的扫荡行动,州政府将采取什么措施来根除这个社会弊病?

10.   请问基本设施与通讯部长(书面答复)
(a)    全盘的治水计划预计在何时完工?
(b)   为什么需要如此漫长的时间,许多在西马半岛大规模的工程可以在短时间内完成?
(c)    截止目前为止,在全盘的计划下已经完成了多少巴仙?请列出巴仙率。



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