Monday, March 30, 2009
Batang Ai, a 1st in many ways
DAP branches in Sibu sent a delegation of around 60 people to Batang Ai yesterday in support of the PKR for the Batang Ai (N. 29) by election. We went there in a bus and several 4WDs and left at 4.00 am sharp in order to be in time for the nomination which was set at 9:00 am.
We reached there at around 8:10am and the road leading to the nomination centre was packed with vehicles and we have to alight from the bus and marched to the nomination centre. I called up a comrade who reached there earlier and could heard the shouting of slogan in the phone and he told me that the supporters from the PKR out strength the BN. We were a group of 37 and we held our Rocket flags high walking into the stadium and the BN’s supporters and were booed by the large BN crowd. I waved back to them in contempt and our group held and waved our flags even higher and the PKR’s lead contingent welcome us with shout of approval. The tension ran high as both camps shouted at each other but the riot police and the steel barricades separated the two.
As I said, there were many 1st for today nomination; 1st, the small and sleepy town of Lubok Antu was made known to many Malaysian for the first time as RTM and many national media were there to broadcast the nomination LIVE, 2nd, 800 strong police force was dispatched to Batang Ai, which means 1 police officer for every 10 eligible voters and many observers think it is a waste of resources which could be better utilize to fight rising crimes in the state, 3rd, this is the first time the DAP sent a full force of state leaders and supporters in support of the PKR which shows the bonding of the opposition in the state, 4th, this is also the first time that the businesses in Lubok Antu are overwhelmed by bustling visitors especially from all over the country.
But I hope the most important and crucial 1st will be made on 407, that is the first time that the people of Batang Ai shall reject the BN. Sarawakian are all eyeing Batang Ai as the crucial test before the coming state election. Many Chinese are skeptical about the PKT chance as money politics and development promises are flying all over the place and they feel that the result is a forgone conclusion.
But lets there be hope that the people are seeking for change, after all after 45 years under the BN the people are still been depriving of the basic facilities such as clean pipe water and electricity and healthcare facility. Change is coming and the people of Batang Ai shall decide for themselves on 407!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Selangau-Mukah road is full of deathtraps
The Selangau-mukah road is a major trunk road linking Mukah, Oya, Dalat and Balingian to the outside world. The road is the only access to the outside world apart from a few flights a week from Mukah. Mukah is a fast growing town which plays a central role in the BN government's SCORE(Sarawak corridor of renewable energy) which the government is said to invest some RM 30 billion in the next few years.
However, the trunk road in question would reveal how much the government is committed to either the safety of the road users and the RM 30 billions SCORE project. The 68 km stretch of road, if i may call it a road, is not only full of potholes and you can see any lamp post at all along the road. There are many death traps along the road which would cause fatal accidents and yet nothing had been done to address the issue.
Most ironiclly, Balingian, the state constituency whose elected state assembly man is none other than the CM of Sarawak, is within the area while Mukah is the birth place of the CM. The CM has frequent visit to Mukah and yet it seems that he has no knowledge of the road's conditions. Or does he not know????
I had a press release of the issue and i urged the CM to travel by road the next time he visit either Mukah or Balingian. Sadly, the media refuse to publish my call for the CM to make it his personal agenda to find out the truth.
Many Mukah's folks who met me during my trip there request DAP to publicise the matter so that the BN's top leadership would be aware of the grivances of the people. My personal remark, sarcastic, if i may ,was “too bad there is no by election in Balingian or Muakh or else the issue would be addresses very soon". Was i wrong, just take a look at the Batang Ai!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Parenting and growing up
It was 12:55pm yesterday as I drove to SMK Bandar Sibu to pick up my second son from school. It was a routine job for me although many would say that we pamper our kids too much nowadays as the school is only a 10-15 minutes walk away from home. Today’s experience reinforced our believe that what we did all these while was well worth it. We shall continue to do so in the near future!
What happened? My wife saw a young boy walking under the hot sun and he was wavering and stumbling along the way and looked like he was going to collapse anytime. She stopped me and told me whether the boy looks alright. I took a good look at the boy andI felt that his conditions warrant my assistance. I parked my vehicle and walked across the road divider to examine him. He looked pale and visibly shaken as I approached him but told me that he is “ok”!
I told him that he is not “ok” and offered to give him a lift. He told me that he has gotten use to it already (我已经习惯了)。I wonder what he meant by that, so I probed further. He got a bit uncomfortable and refused my help. I was wondering whether I should let it go but my conscience told me that I have to do something about it. He then told me that he can not accept my help because he was not sure of my intention. I told him that my kids are his schoolmates and there is no reason why he can’t trust me. I even told him about my kids’ names to put him at ease.
Before we came to an agreement, a pick-up truck stopped by us and the boy entered the vehicle. I opened the door and saw the woman driver who was visibly disturbed by my probing. She asked me what was wrong and I introduced myself and told her what happened, She asked me “Is he not feeling well?” and then turned to the boy to ask the same question which he did not reply. She sounded annoyed as if the kid is causing unnecessary trouble or wny this stranger is probing so much.
I walked back to my vehicle and told my wife the whole thing and she agreed that there something isn’t quite right. First, there is the question of why the boy was walking home if the mother is picking him up in the first place? Secondly, why didn’t he just tell me that his mother will pick him up? Thirdly, he said he lives in Rejang Park which is at least 1.5 km away and was he telling me that he used to walk home by foot? Fourthly, why was he so suspicious of my assistance, I am sure I do not look like a rogue. Lastly,why was he pretending that he is fine when he couldn’t even walk straight?
Never mind the above, I did what I have to do and I am sure many of us would have done the same. I put this on the blog to tell the parents out there that there might be a lot about our kids that we do not know as they might not tell us everything. We need to spend time with them and pay more attention to them as we do not want to regret latter on. Our kids deserve our attention and love which can not be compensated by any other means. Parenting is never easy but so is growing up for the kids!
What happened? My wife saw a young boy walking under the hot sun and he was wavering and stumbling along the way and looked like he was going to collapse anytime. She stopped me and told me whether the boy looks alright. I took a good look at the boy andI felt that his conditions warrant my assistance. I parked my vehicle and walked across the road divider to examine him. He looked pale and visibly shaken as I approached him but told me that he is “ok”!
I told him that he is not “ok” and offered to give him a lift. He told me that he has gotten use to it already (我已经习惯了)。I wonder what he meant by that, so I probed further. He got a bit uncomfortable and refused my help. I was wondering whether I should let it go but my conscience told me that I have to do something about it. He then told me that he can not accept my help because he was not sure of my intention. I told him that my kids are his schoolmates and there is no reason why he can’t trust me. I even told him about my kids’ names to put him at ease.
Before we came to an agreement, a pick-up truck stopped by us and the boy entered the vehicle. I opened the door and saw the woman driver who was visibly disturbed by my probing. She asked me what was wrong and I introduced myself and told her what happened, She asked me “Is he not feeling well?” and then turned to the boy to ask the same question which he did not reply. She sounded annoyed as if the kid is causing unnecessary trouble or wny this stranger is probing so much.
I walked back to my vehicle and told my wife the whole thing and she agreed that there something isn’t quite right. First, there is the question of why the boy was walking home if the mother is picking him up in the first place? Secondly, why didn’t he just tell me that his mother will pick him up? Thirdly, he said he lives in Rejang Park which is at least 1.5 km away and was he telling me that he used to walk home by foot? Fourthly, why was he so suspicious of my assistance, I am sure I do not look like a rogue. Lastly,why was he pretending that he is fine when he couldn’t even walk straight?
Never mind the above, I did what I have to do and I am sure many of us would have done the same. I put this on the blog to tell the parents out there that there might be a lot about our kids that we do not know as they might not tell us everything. We need to spend time with them and pay more attention to them as we do not want to regret latter on. Our kids deserve our attention and love which can not be compensated by any other means. Parenting is never easy but so is growing up for the kids!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Run up to the 307 Debate-Hot!
. 庆信培根《307辩论会》 胡逸山教授将担任主持人
(本报民都鲁28日讯)民都鲁区国会议员拿督斯里张庆信太平局绅与民行党砂州宣传主任黄培根之《307辩论会》主持人已经初步鉴定,由国内著名时评家兼教育家胡逸山教授担任。 允许担任主持人 据拿督斯里张庆信人民服务中心发言人披露,胡逸山教授已经允许担任当天的辩论会主持人,但也希望黄培根会满意由胡逸山教授来主持当天的辩论会。 如果黄培根有更好的人选,请尽早提出来,以便做出安排。 有关胡逸山教授的学历背景,他是在美国加里福尼亚大学毕业,分别考获法学博士、工学博士、国际工商管理硕士、机械工学学士、航空工学学士,以及德国文学学士。 ...
2. 双雄会砂州史无前例 陈则敏:好的开始
(本报诗巫25日讯)对于民进党拿督斯里张庆信与行动党黄培根即将展开的一场“华山论剑”,公正党诗巫区部副主席陈则敏博士认为此乃政坛好的开始。 他今午接受电话访问时,发表个人看法。 他说,无论这场辩论会的结局由谁胜出,或没有输赢之分,至少这是政界新开端。执政党勇于接受在野党的挑战应邀出席辩论会在砂州而言是史无前例。 “基此,我个人非常欣赏张庆信敢于站出来接受行动党的挑战。” 陈则敏博士指出,在野党从来都是打先锋挑战执政党,其个人认为黄培根有大将之风,毕竟没有临阵逃脱,反而积极备战。 ...
3. 与张庆信辩论 黄培根:已准备就绪
(本报诗巫25日讯)砂行动党宣传秘书黄培根说:“我已准备就绪,会依时出席辩论会。” 黄培根今早接受《联合日报》询问时表示,他已做好功课,从多方面做足功夫,以赴一场华山论剑 他表示,至目前为止,拿督张庆信邀请他前往民都鲁,张氏选择在民都鲁举办辩论会,他接受,毕竟民都鲁是张氏居住的地区。不过,他吁请张庆信必须尽速推选一个具有中立立场的主持人,因为时间仅剩10天,一旦主持人名单出炉,就必须着手筹办辩论内容与方式。 ...
4. 与张庆信辩论 黄培根:已准备就绪
(本报诗巫25日讯)砂行动党宣传秘书黄培根说:“我已准备就绪,会依时出席辩论会。” 黄培根今早接受《联合日报》询问时表示,他已做好功课,从多方面做足功夫,以赴一场华山论剑。 吁速推选中立主持人 他表示,至目前为止,拿督张庆信邀请他前往民都鲁,张氏选择在民都鲁举办辩论会,他接受,毕竟民都鲁是张氏居住的地区。不过,他吁请张庆信必须尽速推选一个具有中立立场的主持人,因为时间仅剩10天,一旦主持人名单出炉,就必须着手筹办辩论内容与方式。 ...
The historic debate-the first of its kind in the history of Sarawak-the press labeled it as 307 Debate-between the MP for Bintulu and the Chairman of the BN Backbenchers' Club, Dato Sri Tiong King Sing and the publicity secretary of DAP Sarawak, Mr. David Wong, was held on the 7th of March 2009 at the Bintulu Chinese Chamber of Commerce.
In the run up to the debate, there was much anticipation by the general public as well as the politicians from the political divide. The Chinese Print media were more than helpful in publicizing the event with much front page coverage and even with details of the two debaters were not left uncovered.
The whole thing started with the political crisis in the state of Perak where the BN wrest away the duly elected PR government by using what we called the "political frogs" (defectors from the PR) on the 4th of Feb. 2009. That was actually just after the Chinese Lunar New Year and the self-proclaimed government by the BN took control of the state of Perak when the deputy PM, Dato Seri Najib, took the defectors from the PR to have an audience with the sultan of Perak. The Sultan of Perak refused the request of the Menteri Besar(Chief Minister)to dissolved the state assembly of Perak to pave way for fresh election to solve the political crisis based on his "interview" with the 3 defected PR's state assembly members.
Then in the central region of Sarawak, a town called Bintulu, its MP at the dinner function of one of the Chinese Association's dinner on the 8th 0f Feb., launched an attack on the DAP and the PR for what he said was "double standard" in dealing with the handicapped persons (oh, by the way, one of the defectors, Mdm Hee-DAP suffers from Polio)。He said that while the PR has always self-proclaimed to be the guidance of the less fortunate in the Parliament, their actions are a far cry when it comes to Mdm Hee.
I responded to his allegation in a press conference in Sibu and told him that he has twisted the whole thing around as it was Mdm Hee who have acted against the wishes of the Perakian as they voted (54%) for the PR and entrusted their mandate on the PR government. Furthermore, the pR government has implemented the policies in their election pledges such as the allocation of 1000 hectares of state land to the Chinese Independence Schools, the issuing of perpetual land titles, the granting of state land to the less fortunate in the state etc etc. I questioned Dato Seri Tiong on his stand on morality and democracy and told him that the BN has lost its basic integrity by robbing the people of Perak their constitutional right to choose their own government.
Then there were a daily crash on the Chinese print media between Dato Seri Tiong and myself until I challenged him foe a debate. It was almost forgone conclusion that Dato Seri Tiong would decline my challenge as the BN in Sarawak has always refused to face the opposition on matters that really matter to the people. But everyone was surprised when Dato Seri Tiong accepted my invitation for an open debate. He asked me to go to Bintulu while leaving the date of the debate to me. I responded that 307 (the eve of the political tsunami in 2008) and then the rest would be arranged by Dato Seri.
Many people called and said that they do not believe the debate would be possible as even a moderator would not be easy to seek in such a highly charged debate between the BN and the DAP. But they were surprised once again when Dr. Oh Ei Sun, a well learnt (double PhD. degrees) and well respected educationist and current affair analyst accepted the challenge even though he has live TV shows lined up for him.
The Stage (photo above) was set, a small auditorium in the Bintulu Chinese Chamber of Commerce that can housed 500 was chosen by Dato Seri. Although the general public urged the organizer to change the venue because of the anticipated turn ups on the day, it was not entertained by the organizer (representative of Dato Seri). Too bad, I have no say and have to go along with it.
With the approaching D-day, the debate became the centre of attention, coffee shops talks were are geared to it while the press and media gave it all they can to make it lives up to its expectation.
So, did the debate lives up to the expectation? Would it become a wrestling match between the supporters of both camps? Would there be personal attack by both debaters? Would there be any unexpected last minute bombshells revelation by any camp or both the camps? Would there be unexpected last minute cancellation? Who would win the historic debate?
I shall leave them all to my next posting.
More Chinese news for the 307 debate are attached herewith;
updated:2009-02-23 05:16:15 MYT
updated:2009-02-23 05:16:15 MYT
updated:2009-03-05 14:02:42 MYT
updated:2009-03-05 14:02:28 MYT
(星洲日報�砂勞越.2009/03/05張慶信 黃培根辯論會
updated:2009-03-01 07:49:34 MYT
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