Tuan Speaker,
I rise to debate on the Motion in appreciation to the speech delivered by his Excellency Tuan Yang Terutama (TYT) in this august House on the 5th day of May 2014.
Tuan Speaker, may I first congratulate our new CM who became the chosen one despite many more senior BN leaders waiting for decades for the job? But judging from the past days’ developments in this House, I guess he did show his administration is different from the previous one and one that is at least more receptive to the voice of the opposition and reason.
Tuan Speaker, when this House moved unanimously to demand an increase of the Oil Royalty to 20% from the federal government, history has been created in that:
We have finally come to a point to resolve the oil royalty issue which has been one of the stumbling blocks to the development of Sarawak’
The House has never seen such display of unity for the interest of the Sarawak and our people although there is still room for the BN’s bench to improve so that they will be able to look at the bigger picture instead of the petty issues.
Sarawakians all are delighted that the elected Wakil Rakyat of the people have come united on this important issue of protecting our rights in the most valuable natural resources of ours. They see a glance of hope that we will have enough funds to elevate the living standards of the people and bring the necessary developments that have all these while being illusionary to them, most important of all they see Hope for Sarawak.
Now, there are a few more urgent and important issues that the CM must address to fully make his mark in the history of this beloved land of ours. The GST, Hudud issue, good governance and efficient public services are all waiting for the new CM to address.
Tuan Speaker, we all know that GST is a regressive tax and the poor and lower middle incomes groups are made to suffer with a regressive taxation system, put it bluntly, it is like robbing the poor to help the rich!
Tuan Speaker, my observation of the BN bench last year during the Budget session is that most of them stood to support the GST but I really wonder how many actually really listen to the voters that put them in this Dewan!
How many of them who openly support the implementation of the GST know how it will make Sarawakians suffer as they are finding it difficult to make ends meet already and the extra 6% consumption tax is like putting the last straw to break their back.
Tuan Speaker, a survey was carried out by the Merdeka Centre for Opinion Research between April 12 and 21, 2014 and the results show the majority of those surveyed rejected GST; 55% Malay opposing it, 70% Chinese and 74% Indians opposing it.
How can the GST be good for the people? According to a news report, 6% GST will bring some RM 22 billion to the country’s coffer? Where on earth will that RM 22 billion come from if not form the pockets of the Malaysians and Sarawakians?
Tuan Speaker, our PM has recently lobbied for the support of the generl public and use the analogy of “antibiotic to cure the sick”. Tuan Speaker, if I may use his logic then Malaysia under the BN is very sick and thus need this special GST brand of antibiotic to cure.
But then again, the medical doctors normally do not prescribe anti-biotic unless it is essentially necessary as too much dosage is “bad” for the health of the patients.
More importantly is the problem of prescibing the wrong drug and wrong doasge as they can be fatal to the patients. In the case of using GST as an anti-biotic to heal our nation's financial health, it is the wrong presciption for the wrong illness. The PM should start healing the nation's financial health from the leakages as often reported by the auditor reports and rationise the government's spending.
The government says it has yet to finalize the final list of goods exempted for GST and it shows that the government is not sure and ready.
Tuan Speaker, I have spoken out against the implementation of the GST in the last Budget sitting in November 2014 as follow which I am going to repeat:
While the poor are made to “feed” the government with the GST, the government operating expenditures more than double between 2003 (RM 14 billion)and 2008 (26 billion) and further increased to RM 36.6 billion in 2014. When the government don’t have enough money to spend, they “remember” the rakyat and they bring in the GST. Instead of prudent spending, the government spends like no tomorrow and ask the rakyat to tighten their belts.
Let me give an example to enlighten this House, under the present system, those earning below RM3000 per month do not have to pay tax. Under the GST, these groups will be affected as they basically pay GST on all their consumption apart from some exempted items. If these groups consume RM 2000 per month, they will have to pay GST of RM120 per month and RM1440 per year. Overall, 2/3 of their incomes are taxed.
On another hand, those making RM30, 000 per month, their consumption may be RM10, 000 while they invest the rest of their incomes and strictly speaking only 1/3 of their incomes are taxed under the GST.
You might ask “how many Malaysian household will be adversely affected by the implementation of the GST?
According to the ministry of finance, 80% of the Malaysian household or 5.2 million household earn less than RM 3,000 per month and that’s how serious it is and why we must oppose the implementation of GST in the first place. The figure was released when the government announced that those are the families been given BR1M.
They are already struggling to make ends meet. They do not pay taxes because they are below the tax-paying threshold. It is ironic that when on one hand the government feel that these folks need assistance and thus give them the BR1M but on the other hand these folks become the losers when the GST is implemented as explained earlier.
Tuan Speaker, Sarawak is one of the poorest states in Malaysia with one of the highest number of poverty and hard core poverty in the country. We have contributed immensely to the federal government with our oil and gas and our infra structures are some 20-30 years behind our counterparts in West Malaysia. We need to stand firm to protect our people and the best way the state government can do is to exercise our rights as enshrine in the federal constitution, we owe it to our people to give back their rights and not give-in to the federal government.
Tuan Speaker, under the Malaysian arrangement to the formation of Malaysia, Sarawak is entitled to safeguards the interests of the people and the rights are been enshrined in our federal constitution. One of such right is to retain control of our own finance, development and tariff and have the right to work up our own taxation.
Article 95B(3) of the Federal Constitution states: “The Legislature of the State of Sabah or Sarawak may also make laws for imposing sales tax, and any sales tax imposed by State law in the State of Sabah and Sarawak shall be deemed to be among the matters enumerated in the State List and not in the Federal List;
but (a) There shall not in the charging or administration of a State sales tax be discrimination between the goods of the same description according to the place in which they originate; and (b) The charge for any federal sales tax shall be met out of sums collected from a person liable for that tax before the charge for a State sales tax.
With this, Sarawak should exercise our rights in rejecting the implementation of the GST in April 2015. If he CM can make his stand by announcing that Sarawak will not allow GST to burden its people then that would be his legacy and Sarawkians will thank him forever. Time is running out as the GST will be implemented in April 2015 and once it is implemented then it will be too late.
Tuan Speaker, like the Oil Royalty issue, this is another issue which this House should unite once again and speak with One (1) Voice, the voice for Sarawakians.
Conflict of Interest
Tuan speaker, we all speak about fairness, equality for good governance. Good governance is what any administration aspire to be and in order to bring about good governance we need to have transparency, accountability and accountability and the executive branch must avoid conflict of interest in discharging their duties.
What then is the definition of “conflict of Interest”? We can defined a Conflict of interest as a situation in which a person has a private or personal interest sufficient to appear to influence the objective exercise of his or her official duties as, say, a public official.”
The conflict in a conflict of interest exists whether or not a particular individual is actually influenced by the personal interest.
A very simple case is in the case of the appointment of the deputy Chairman of the SMC. Datuk Sri Wong Soon Koh, in in capacity as the senior minister of the Local Government, appoints his son, Datuk Wong Kee Yew, as the deputy Chair of the Sibu Municipal Council in January this year.
This has created a public uproar in Sarawak but in particularly Sibu. Of course the senior minister denies that he was the one making the decision and pointed out that the DCM, YB Alfred Jabu, made the decision on behalf of the state cabinet.
Tuan Speaker, lets us not fool ourselves and thought we can fool the world as well, the Minister in charge of the said Local Government is the one who really made the decision and once that decision is made the Cabinet will only ratify that decision, the DCM approval on behalf of the cabinet is mere formality.
That is why I have said and the majority of the general public concur that the senior minister has breach his duty by making a decision that is perceived and seen to be a conflict of interest and in doing so has tarnished the reputation of the state government.
If that is allowed and not condemned by this House, then there will never be accountability for this administration and the others will follow by giving their families members and cronies Land and Contract and what not.
Please don’t tell this House that is the true standard of Sarawak under the BN, we have to show good examples to our youth and we have to be accountable to our people, and only then our new CM can set a good example for his administration.
Jalan Lau King Howe. On another note, the senior minister for the Ministry of Local government and Social Development shuns the issue of changing of the name of Jalan Hospital to Jalan Lau King Howe against of the wishes of the majority of the community in Sibu and the United Chinese Association of Sibu has openly lobby for the change of name.
Tuan Speaker, the late Mr. Lau King Howe is a patriot and a Philanthropist whose donation made it possible then (1936) to build the only hospital in the region serving the need of the people in the central regions of Sarawak.
I am sure many Ahli-ahli yang berhomat in this House know about Hospital Lau King Howe and some may even been medically treatment at that hospital before.
Tuan Speaker, it is only fitting that such a request be granted to someone who has been so selfless to contribute to the society, even the Rajah administration then recognise and name the hospital after Mr. Lau.
The Local authority has no reason or excuse not to give in to the request for the change of name in memorial of the late Mr. Lau King Howe as it would encourage more people to do charity works and create a more caring society. Doesn’t that the ministry of Local Government and Social Development want and strike for?
Malaysian agreement
Tuan Speaker, safeguarding the prevailing unity and racial harmony is of course very important but the assistant minister (Islamic affairs) in the CM department seems not to agree with this as he said “Sarawak will comply with any decision or stand made by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on the motion of the private bill for hudud.”
This is totally against the fundamental liberty on freedom of religion as per our federal constitution as well as writing off the Malaysian Agreement. Under the Malaysian Agreement, while there was no objection to Islam being the national religion of Malaysia there should be no State religion in North Borneo, and the provisions relating to Islam in the present Constitution of Malaya should not apply to North Borneo.
It is important for this House to make a stand on this issue or else our younger generations would forget that such an agreement existed and thought we join the Malaya federation whereas the fact of the matter is we form Malaysia together with Sabah and Singapore and there exists a Malaysian Agreement to protect Sarawak and Sabah and the points listed included the 18 points agreement for Sarawak. The first point was on Religion which stated “While there was no objection to Islam being the national religion of Malaysia there should be no State religion in North Borneo, and the provision relating to Islam in the present Constitution of Malay should not apply to North Borneo.”
Thus the assistant minister should clarify his statement and position on his statement on “Sarawak will comply with any decision or stand of the PM on the motion of the private Bill for Hudud”?
The Chief Minister has to make a stand on this as well or else it would be read that his assistant minister (Islamic Affairs) is making the stand on behalf of the State government.
Other issues:
1) Internet speed
The internet speed provided by TM and other Telcos have been bombarded by the netizens as turtle-speed and these internet providers have been slow to respond to the needs of the people, businesses, banking institution, legal firms and brokerage houses and even police station have often experience the frustration of low speed and loss of connectivity.
How could Sarawak attract investment of the high-tech sector with such a terrible internet connection and how can we train our youths to be internet savvy?
Our honourable minister of housing has also raised this particular issue and I fully agreed with him that Sarawak needs better internet infrastructure in order for our youth and our businesses to be competitive.
While the nation’s ranking in the world internet speed is 112, which is quite shameful already, but that would not be the actual scenario for Sarawak where most of the cable are still copper and not the fibre optic cable as in the Klang valley.
Sarawak government needs to act and not just talk about the problem
as our youths have been complaining for ages about the slow internet speed. TM must be warned that if it can’t buckle up then we should allow other network providers to come into Sarawak.
2) LPKP- during the Nov. 2013 sitting which highlighted the issues of LPKP being slack in carrying out their duties such as their board often fail to meet once a month and thus causing unnecessary delay for those who wish to apply for commercial licences as well as having a negative effect on the economy of the state.
We would have thought LPKP would look into their workflow and improve their efficiency after that, but I received information that LPKP did not polish up their act at all. This year up to May, they have had only 2 board meeting and their failure to meet have resulted in more backload being built up and created much delay to those who apply for the commercial licenses.
Tuan Speaker, if a government department fail to carry out its responsibility to serve the general public then what should the government do about it? Should the government turn a blind eye, a deaf ear and a muted mouth on the department heads?
In this case, the LKPK should meet at least once a month to sort out all the commercial licences’ applications. Unless the department can prove that it did meet once a month every month then the chair of the Board and the secretary must be held answerable and explain why and what happened as to make them unable to meet once a month as per the guideline of the ministry.
1) 我们终于达致这个共识,以解决这一直被认定为是砂州发展绊脚石的石油开采税问题。
2) 州议会不曾看到大家如此团结来捍卫砂州人民的切身利益。我们的人民期望国阵有更大的改善空间,以便他们可以看到大的愿景,而不是小问题。
1) 消费税
照政府的资料高达80% 的大马家庭或5百20万的家庭的月收入少过马币3,000 ,那是多么严重,所以为什么我们不赞同消费税的施行。当政府派发一马援助金的时候,这些数据被公布。
但是,(a) 不得征收或实行消费税,必须区别种类和出产地。及(b) 在缴付州级消费税收之前,一切联邦政府的消费税收必须加上之前的个人税务。
1) 上网速度
2) 商用车辆注册局