“It’s my 44th birthday, where is my present?” Sarawak asked. Sarawak has been asking the same questioned since 16th September 1963 and no reply came from the federal government and through its cronies in the Sarawak government, the question has been depressed for the last 44 years.
As the BN government prepares to launch its 50th Merdeka, it forgot the history of the formation of the country, namely Malaysia, or else it should really celebrate our 44th birthday as a nation. History pointed out that the Malay Federation achieved its independent on the 31st of August 1957 without Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore.
Tunku Abdul Rahman then called for the formation of a bigger Malaya in Singapore in 1961, which eventually led to the formation of Malaysia. On the 16th September1963 Sarawak, Sabah, Singapore and the Malay Federation formed a new entity, and Malaysia was born. We did not join the Malay Federation and thus we are of equal partners on equal footing. However, it was not so as the federal treats Sarawak as the lesser brother and it has since been left far behind in term of development and opportunities. Let us take a comparison between Sarawak and the peninsular, nobody would question that we are some 20 years behind in term of development.
It is important to put history right on what was distorted by certain groups as history would put everything into the right prospective, including the Sarawak identity and what it truly deserve. Thus the question “where is my birthday present?” Some might ask, “why asking for the present?” The answer lies in the heart of most Sarawakian as we felt that we have been treated like the “adopted sons” and since we can’t demand and we can’t threaten, than at least we can beg or may be we even lost the right to beg?
Independence means more than shouting slogans or playing lips services and patriotism is more than flag waving on the street tonight or joins the parades at the Merdeka stadium. It means liberty to search for equal opportunity and happiness, freedom to speak out for our rights, daring to take the political reform necessary and equality for every Malaysian. Let all of us be the “prince” or “princess” of this land and let nobody subject to any kind of discrimination. All of us can play a part in taking this country to a greater height and let our Jalur Gemilang(national flag)fly high not only on the lamp post or poles or buildings but also in the heart of every Malaysian. Then everyone can truly shout “Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!” from the bottom the heart and our forefathers will smile down on us.
David Wong on the eve of the 50th Merdeka
We did not join the Malay Federation and thus we are of equal partners on equal footing.
I am reminded of parents giving gifts for their children. Some children keep quiet and accept whatever you give them. Some children will cry when they receive presents not of their liking. Some children would remind you over and over again to give them the presents on such and such an occasion. Some children would drag you to the shop and tell you specifically that's the toy they want for their present. Some younger children keep quiet when their older siblings get presents and they don't have. Some older children beat up their younger siblings for the presents they receive which they the older ones did not.
Probably, Sarawak has been exchanging something for something quietly and Sarawakians don't see that. Probably, these exchanged presents are for certain people and not for all. Probably only those who do the work whatever work that is got the presents and those who don't do anything get nothing.
I quote your sentence because it makes me think further. If we are equal partners on equal footing, it looks like we should have two Prime Ministers; one controlling the peninsula and one controlling the east. However till today I doubt there are any two Prime Ministers of one country in any part of the world. There is only one Prime Minister of Malaysia. And that is why till today the children are still asking their daddy. Where are their presents ?
Thank you for your comment, it is always thought provoking to read a comment like yours.
Let just mention one issue here, the 5% royalty minerals (including gas and oil) that the federal pays us. What is 5%? That is the most outrageous and unfair treatment we got. we should get some 15-25% of the royalty as these resources are drainning fast and then there would be none.
Petronas made around RM 76 billion profir before tax for the financial year ended 31st Mach 2006-2007. Sarawak contributed for 1/3 of petronas's oil and gas in the country and that would be in the region of RM20 billion(not including its trading profit) and yet we are been deprived of the profit as oyr sarawak government did not dare to demand an increase of the royalty.
Whan the Pas took over Trengganu, it demanded and got the oil royalty increased to 7.5%. That argued well for Sarawak to demand more as we deserve it. We are not begging, the resources are ours and the federal governmnet can't robbed us in broad daylight.
No wonder you said that some of them got something in exchanged and although under our constitution, any MP can be th ePM, but in actual fact only UMNO calls the shot since Malaysia was formed. But at least we could demand fairer distribution of wealth and equality in the nation's development fund.By the way, do you know that our Dayaks are not considered Bumi in certain states in the Peninsular when they purchase properties?
May be we should demand that Petronas Twin Towers and the Petronas' F1 circuit be painted the color of our Sarawak's flag to show everyone of our contribution!
Sarawakian should wake up to the reality and do something about it.
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