Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Malaysian dream for Merdeka!

A Malaysian dream for Merdeka!

Today marks the 51 years of Independence of Malaysia and on this auspicious day Malaysian across the country are wondering “when can we get out of this economic nightmares?” instead of celebrating joyfully. Many wake up this morning worrying about the cost of putting foods on the table and the cost of transportation for their families as there simply isn’t relieve insight even after the 2009 budget has been announced by the PM on the last Friday.

I tuned in to RTM 1 last night to watch the government official celebration at Merdeka Square as I talked to my wife who was in Kuching. She was tuned in as well as we shared our thought for the 51st merdeka.

She commented the large crowd there and of course on the VVIPs on the stage which include among others, the “astronaut” and the Olympic silver medalist, who stood behind the PM. She said that if those are the ONLY examples we can showcase after 51 years, it speaks volume of the state of the country under the BN.

It struck me as a very unimaginative way of showing off the “achievements” of this country after 51 years of independence. To project the image of prosperity and advancement through an “astronaut” and an Olympic silver medalist is quite a disappointment.

What independence means is civil liberty, freedom to determine our own destiny, and the power of self-determination and self-empowerment so that our citizens will enjoy the fruit of their labor. Just like the famous Martin Luther King pronounced 45 years ago “I have a dream”, and surely Malaysian have and share the same dream as pronounced above-mentioned and that dream has yet to be fulfilled by the BN yet after 51 years at the realm.
Abdullah and Najib have failed miserably to lead by example to unify all Malaysian when they failed to stop or take action against the following;
1)The statement of UMNO Bukit Bendera chief Ahmad Ismail who said that Chinese were “squatters” in the country at a ceramah on 24th August whilst trying to buttress support for BN candidate Arif Shah Omar Shah in the by-election contest against opposition icon Anwar Ibrahim.
2)They also did not condemned the actions of some Malays groups who stormed into (under the watchful eyes of the police) forum organize by the bar council to ease misunderstandings about religions. They have either kept mute or came out to “defense” their UMNO leaders who have repeatedly challenge the constitutional rights of other citizens.

But all is not lost yet as the people have spoken out loud and clear in the 308 general election and their voice have be reaffirmed by the voters in Parmatang Pauh. It is only the BN that is going down the drain as they simply can’t see that Malaysian in general share a single dream and that dream is “Malaysia for all Malaysian & Prosperity and Liberty for all.
Happy Birthday Malaysia!

David Wong

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Malaysian spoke out through Permatang Pauh's by-election

If we take a closer look at the results of the by-election, then we will be able to attribute the landslide victory of Anwar to the following factors:

1)Fuel prices hike -the mother of all evils on the inflation spiral is the key to the cause of frustrations among all the Malaysian. The Malaysian economy is under serious stress with the June and July inflation recorded historic height at 11% and 7.5% respectively. The fuel prices hike sparked off all rounded inflation that became insurmountable for the poor and middle class.

2)Food prices hike-the high food prices (30-70%) hike experienced in the past 9 months have made many housewives angry over the BN inability to provide for the basic needs of the people. In many Malays heartland areas, the farmers were angry over the high price of fertilisers that is making farming impractical at all. Many padi farmers complained that the rice mills pay them only 65sen per kg of padi grain while the supermarket charged them some RM 3.50 per kg of rice in the first 5 months of the year.

3)All rounded inflation-the government says inflation was only 7.5% as recorded through the July CPI. The rakyat feel that the basket used to determine the CPI are out of date as they feel that they are facing an actual inflation rate of not less than 15%. Look at the bread and butter and the canned food and the everyday food that we put on the table, they are simply too expensive for the middle class. Even a family of 4 can hardly survive with a family hold hold income of RM3000 per month.

4)Non-Bumi "fear factor"-before or prior to the 308, the so called minorities such as the Chinese and Indian have been intimated by the BN, especially the UMNO with the assistant of the MCA and MIC. The bloodshed May 13 incident had been repeated used to bring fear to them. But with the formation of the Pekatan Rakyat, the fear factor has been minimised with an all out assault on the BN and there wasn't any racial tension among the Malaysian.

5)Bumi self confidence-PKR and the PAS have been urging the Malay to accept that the special privileges accorded to them under the so call NEP had benefited only the UMNO leaders. The poor and middle class Bumi are no better off than their non-bumi counterparts. The AP issue highlighted the failure of the NEP as many well connected were given the "jackpot". A good example is the Selangor Menteri Besar who urged the MARA to open up 10% of its enrollment to the non-bumi and the UMNO came out in force to protest the taking away of the "privilege" of the bumi, but isn't Datuk Khalid a bumi as well? The BN used this issue to attack the PKR and Anwar in the by-election but i guess the result of the by-election speaks for itself.

6)Non-Bumi long-term "marginalization"-the Hindraff spearheaded the attack on the BN's policies of marginalisation when the government tears down a hundred years old temple without consultation. That could very well be the last straw on the camel's back so to speak but it was caused by decades of marginalisation and not by a single event. With that the Hindraff was born and went on to the streets to protest their grievances. The Chinese was inspired as well and sent a very clear message to the BN in the 308 general election and i would have to give credit to an over sea Chinese student for his song "Negarakuku" which have captured the imagination of many Chinese youth as well.

7)The sodomy-the general public feel that the country have been "sodomised" by the BN for 51 years with widespread corruption, mismanagement, abuse of power and outright arrogance. The same conspiracy should not be use to neutralise the opposition leader as it was used 10 years ago. People are fed up that while the country has been robbed of, according to the an investment bank, some USD 100 billion since the privatisation, the BN is still using the sodomy charge to silence the opposition leader.

8) The Internet connection-thanks to the IT connection, the news of the oppositions and the NGOs were able to reach the voters for them to make a well informed decision. The major print and electronic medias were controlled by the BN and with the Press Printing and Publication Act in force, who would dares to give the opposition the space to air their view freely. I guess we have to thank the Internet and many blogger who have contributed well to make sure that news reached the rakyat.

9)BN is beyond redemption-it is simply too arrogance and beyond redemption even after the 308 general election. They are good at issuing threats against the rakyat and using the "agencies" under its control to neutralise any threat against its strangle hold on to power.

10)Change-this is the theme of politics from America to Australia and to Asia in 2008. It is like a tsunami that sweeps across the globe and the old establishments are all under threat as youth takes to the centre stage to demand for change.

David Wong

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Abdul Aziz joins DAP, appointed party vice-chairman

Abdul Aziz joins DAP, appointed party vice-chairman
From Malaysiakini;
Tunku Abdul Aziz, a former special adviser to the United Nations secretary-general, has today become one of the few prominent Malays to have joined DAP.

The former Transparency International president, who joined the party yesterday, told a press conference held during the DAP annual congress that it was this consistency which attracted him.

"I have been targeting DAP for 20 years and they have been talking about consistency, transparency, accountability and the need to establish a non-race-based party"."I feel much more comfortable (with DAP) and I trust the people around me. I joined DAP for what it stands for, a party that has been very consistent with its beliefs," he said in response to a question on why he did not opt for PKR."I am a Malay. Many would expect me to join Umno but no, I made up my mind and it is DAP that I choose and I see no future in race-based political parties," he stressed.

My Comment:
There are those who thought that DAP is for Chinese only and this move by Tunku Abdul Aziz would put the record straight. DAP has been here for 47 years while PKR was born after Anwar was sacked by the UMNO 10 years ago.

The track records of DAP simply humble any opposition party in the country.Many Chinese still believe taht we need a strong DAP in Pekatan Rakyat to safeguard the interest of all Malaysian just as Tunku Abdul Aziz commented that DAP is consistent and truely uphold the principle of a non-race-based party.

The PKR still represent the mainstream Malays and the few Chinese leaders in the party is simply "expensable" and can't stand up to its Malays counterparts in PKR.I hope to see more youth, regardless of their racial and cultural and religious backgrounds, joining the DAP in Sibu and Sarawak.

David Wong

Saturday, August 23, 2008

He is simply sleeping

The government announces that price of RON97 petrol will go down by 15 sen from RM2.70 to RM2.55 per litre at the pumps beginning midnight, a reduction of 5.6 per litre. Meanwhile, the lower grade RON92 petrol will be slashed by 22 sen from RM2.62 to RM2.40 a litre.

For diesel, the price will go down by eight sen, from RM2.58 to RM2.50.

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi made the announcement today - two days after he reiterated that petrol prices would not be cut before Aug 31.

My comment:
1)The PM is not a man of his words. He told the press that the oil price would only be adjusted on the 1st of September a few days ago although we all expect him to make the announcement prior to the by-election of Permatang Pauh. There is a saying in Chinese that the "ruler must keep his words" and obviously the PM doesn't understand the Chinese history and culture, what a failure!

2)The price adjustment was too little (we want the price to be reverted back to pre June 4th level) and too late (people think that the announcement was due to the by-election and do not have faith in BN's policies).The PM should not insult the intelligent of the Malaysian and thought that a drop of 15 sen and 8 sen per litre for petrol and diesel respectively will please the rakyat. He is simply unintelligent( to be very mild in my language).

3)The PM should not use petrol price to fish for votes in Permatang Pauh, it is not only a corrupt practise but also unethical for the PM to do so. He knows very well that the decision to raise pump prices was a mistake and the people are suffering because of his stupid mistake, so, he should stand up and do the amend and revert the wrong the decision.

The guy is sleeping away from the reality and the nation is going down the drain with him.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

油 米 的 故 事

话說北京奧運前夕, 在北京大飯店的5星級廚房里,四大明星在車大炮討論誰最重要,誰最大.
各說各的重要,各說各的偉大,總之沒有一個肯服輸. 于是其中一個就提議 “讓人來做主吧! 明天奧運是全世界最大的盛會,誰的命字被提起,它就是 “老大”. 全部在場都同意.

第2天, 每 個 都 忙 到 下 午6:30 才 透 過 氣 來. 總 于 在 晚 上7:50 的 時 候, 整 個 酒 店 人 去 樓 空, 它 們 就 聚 在 電 視 機 前 一 起 觀 看 奧 運 開 幕 禮. 它 們 都 忘 了 昨 天 的 賭 搏.

終 于 等 到 了 開 幕, 每 個 都 沉 醉 在 開 幕 的 節 目 里. 突 然, 銀 幕 上 出 現 了 一 對 男 女, 整 個 “鳥 巢” 都 靜 了 下 來. 男 的 歌 手 開 腔 高 唱 奧 運 主 題 曲“ 你 和 我”... “YOU and ME” ... “油 and 米?”
在 北 京 大 飯 店 里, 油 和 米 都 跳 了 起 來………….

在 地 球 的 某 個 角 落, 在 同 一 個 時 間,一 個 叫45 的 地 方, 兩 個 婦 女 在 屋 前 聊 天;

黃 性 婦 女 說 “ 唉!全 部 東 西 都 起 價, 生 活 一 天 不 如 一 天, 以 后 的 生 活 不 懂 怎 么 過.”
劉 性 友 人: “ 還 不 是 油 價 起 的 禍, 現 在 聯 米 都 起 的 離 譜, 看 來 我 們 投 錯 票, 選 錯 人 了, 給 騙 了…”
黃 性 婦 女: “ 聽 說 如 果 安 華 上 臺, 油 價…”
劉 性 友 人: “ 都 是 為 了 “油 和 米” 煩, 哎…

回 到 北 京, 油 和 米 跳 起 高 喊 “ 萬 歲! 我 們 最 大, “ 油 和 米” 最 重 要,
連 奧 運 的 主 題 曲 都 以 我 們 命 名!”

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

DPM, "come back to the Barisan Nasional's fold."

Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak made a plea to the Chinese and Indian communities in Permatang Pauh - come back to the Barisan Nasional's fold.He told them to reject the opposition and vote for Umno's Arif Shah Omar Shah in the Aug 26 by-election.And he had one more word of counsel - do not gamble with your children's future by supporting the opposition candidate who had been making false promises.He promised that the BN would champion the Indian and Chinese communities' cause in the constituency as they had been neglected by the opposition.

My comment: If the BN is fair and just in its policies to all the races in Malaysia, then Najib should not have to worry and promised the Indian and Chinese communities that the BN will champion their causes. The people are not blind and deaf and they know the track records of the BN, afterall BN has been the government since time in memorial.The by election of Permatang Pauh is not about Anwar or the PKR or the BN, it is the decision of the century whereby the voters of Permatang Pauh has to make the stand not only for themselves but for the 27 millions Malaysian as to whether Malaysia should remains an authoritarian regime (BN) or we want a bipartisan political landscape such as that of the US, the Aussie, the Brition and the majority of the G7.Malaysian wait in anticipation of the bipartisan system and never before(pre March 08) has it been possible or even thought of that the day of the bipartisan would become a reality. Now is the time and may be it is now or never in a sense (for Anwar and the Pekatan Rakyat).

May be this by election is also a referendum on the BN's fuel prices hike on the 4th of June 2008. The people are angry that while Malaysia and Petronas makes millions everyday from the oil export, the people are suffering in vain. Malaysian have gone on the streets to protest the high pump prices since the government announced the price hike but the government is unmoved to the suffering of the people and businesses.

I would predict that the BN government will announce the price cut just before the 26th of August because of the by election. But what we want is the pre June 4th fuel prices. The current world cruel oil price is hovering around USD 113 per barrel while it was USD 125 at the beginning of June, so it means that the government has no reason whatsoever not to revert its fuel prices to pre-JUNE 4th level, i.e petrol at RM 1.92/L and diesel at RM1.58/L.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


〔爸 ?我要出去玩!給我兩千塊!〕我一邊看著電視一邊說著。〔昨天不是才給你了嗎?怎麼又花完了!〕我爸露出些許無奈的神情質問著我。〔你到底給不給嘛?你若是不給我的話,我就去偷去搶!〕我翹著二郎腿叼著根煙,一邊抖腿一邊說著。〔唉?〕我爸嘆了一口氣後,從口袋 ?拿出幾張佰元鈔票,準備數兩千塊給我,而我看見後迅速站起身來,將他手中的佰元鈔票全部拿走,頭也不回的離開家中,立即騎著我爸買給我的機車,準備去享受我的夜生活。

在撞球場和我朋友撞球時,我朋友突然問我:〔你爸是做什麼工作的啊?) 我聽到後有些羞愧的不敢回答,只因我爸是賣烤香腸的,而我以我爸的工作為恥,所以,我在我朋友面前絕不提起我爸,因為我並不把他當成爸爸。

不知不覺中,已經凌晨3點多了,於是我和我朋友準備離開撞球場,想繼續到KTV喝酒玩樂,可是當我們從2樓撞球場走到樓下時,卻聽到了吵鬧聲:〔你錢到底要不要拿出來,不拿出來我們就打給你死!〕而另一個聲音又傳了過來〔我錢是不會給你們的,這是我辛苦賺的血汗錢, 是要養我家人的,我是絕對不會給你們的,你們再不走,我就要報警了喔!〕突然間,樓下傳來了一聲怒喝:〔你去死!〕

當我和我朋友走到樓下時,發現4、 5個少年圍著一個中年男子拳打腳踢的,還有一個人拿著棍棒猛揮那個中年男子的身體,眼看著,那個中年男子倒在地上已經快不行了,可是他手中仍然緊握著,他今天賺的兩千多塊,不肯鬆手讓另一個少年搶走.

可是在我離開之前,我忍不住回頭看了那中年男子一眼,卻驚愕的發現,他竟然就是..我爸!我愣在原地看著他們繼續毆打我爸的場景,與我爸緊握著鈔票不肯鬆手的畫面,又突然想到我爸平時都無怨無尤的給我兩、三千塊,而現在,他竟然可以為了兩千多塊,性命都可以不顧,再看到他賴以為生的香腸攤,已被敲毀散落滿地,頓時間,我不自覺的掉下一滴淚,大聲哭喊著〔爸!〕立即衝入人群中,用身體守護著我平時最看不起的爸爸,任由棒棍拳腳襲擊著我。 而我身上立即一點一滴的傳來我爸剛才所承受的痛楚,可是我卻感覺到我的心,比這些痛楚還要痛,因為,我對自己以前的不孝,真的感到無比的痛心啊!幸虧不久後,我朋友立即衝上來替我解圍,而警察在不久後也到了,可是我在細看我爸的傷勢時,竟然發現我爸頭上流著血,失去意識暈厥過去了,讓我急慌的哭喊著〔救護車!誰趕快叫救護車來啊!快 !我爸他..嗚..誰快來救我爸 ?〕在救護車來到之後,我立即跟我爸進入了救護車,而醫護人員卻發現我爸左手緊握著兩千塊,仍然沒有鬆手,於是我在一旁哭泣著:「神明啊!求你一定要讓我爸平安無事!求求你!要是我爸真的平安無事後,我一定會學好學乖的,絕對會好好的孝順他,不會再讓他生氣難過了,求求你,我知道以前我錯了,你要懲罰就懲罰我好了,我還年輕,你要我幾年壽命都沒關係,我只求你讓我爸平安無事就好,求求你!神明!求求你..嗚..〕

突然間,我爸呻吟了一聲,隨即微微的睜開雙眼,我驚喜般的看著他:〔爸!〕我爸仍有些意識不清:〔這 ?..是哪裡?〕我喜出望外的對他說〔爸!我們在救護車裡面,你剛才暈了過去,害我好擔心你 ?〕我差點又哭了出來。他忽然微舉起左手,張開了緊握的兩千塊對我說〔啟明!這是爸今天賺的兩千塊,你拿去吧!等一下回家之後,你先買東西自己吃吧!爸還不餓!〕我聽到後立即紅了雙眼,緊抱著我爸大聲哭泣著,一直哭一直哭,淚水不自覺的濕透了我爸的衣衫,也濕透了一旁醫護人員的雙眼。

我們之中有些人總是有著有這父母的無微不置照顧,也總是沉溺在茶來伸手飯來張口的生活中。但我們都不知道!不了解 !被我們所花掉的錢,是父母花著自己的生命.青春 .體力 .汗水所換取來的。他們為了我們不惜一切讓我們快樂,滿足我們的需求,而我們呢 ?卻不知道,也不了解,只是一昧的玩樂從不曾想過,也不曾體會......看完了這篇文章,在難心深處有沒有很深很深的感想呢 ?好好思考,你會明白的 ......

爸爸 你何時將新的手還給我(再忙也要看完)

One of the most thought provoking articles i read recently, repost here for your reading pleasure.

爸爸 你何時將新的手還給我(再忙也要看完)
在美國的加州有一個小女孩大約是4 歲她的父親有一台大卡車,她的父親非常喜歡那台卡車總是為那台車做全套的保養,以保持卡車的美觀.
一天,小女孩拿著硬物在他父親的卡車鈑金上劃下了無數的刮痕!! 她的父親盛怒之下,用鐵絲把小女孩的手綁起來然後吊著小女孩的手,讓她站在車庫罰站.
當父親想起小女兒在車庫罰站時,已經是4個小時過後了!趕到車庫時,小女孩的手已經被鐵絲綁的血液不通! 父親送她到急診室時,已經需要截去小女孩的手掌了因為,手掌部分的組織已經都壞死,如不截去手掌 ... 她生命是非常危險,甚至可能會危害到小女孩的生命 ... 所以小女孩就這樣失去了她的一雙手掌了 !但是她不懂.....她不懂到底是發生了什麼事在她的身上.... 而她的父親也因為這樣感到萬分的愧疚!
過了約半年後小女孩的父親的卡車進廠重新烤漆,又像全新的一樣!! 當他把卡車開回家後,小女孩看著重新烤漆過的卡車對著她的父親說{{Daddy~your truck looking so pretty,same like new truck.}} <<爸爸! 你的卡車好漂亮唷!看起來就像是新卡車>> 這時小女孩無邪的伸出了她那截斷的雙< style="font-family:新細明體;font-size:85%;color:blue;">手,對她的父親說{{but, when you want put my hand back to me??}} <<但是你什麼時候要把我的手還給我?? >>
你們知道當那位父親聽到小女孩問他的問題時,發生了什麼事嗎 ? 那位父親在小女孩的面前 .....舉槍自殺......

很多人分不清 .....到底什麼是重要的?只會無知迷失在自我的喜好當中........ 就如有些人會去 慈濟幫忙掃街,但家事從來不管.......有些人會花很多錢去建廟,但對自己的親人如鐵公雞..... 有些人在外面和言悅色,但對自己的卻家人暴躁如雷

Friday, August 15, 2008


Below is an entertaining and interesting SMS i have received, repost here just for a laugh;
1. 請越南勞工, 狗失蹤.
2. 請孟加 拉 劳 工, 马 来 姑 娘 失 踪.
3. 请 小 龙 女, 老 公 失 踪.
4. 请 警 察 查 案, 证 据 失 踪.
5. 找 道 医 疗 报 告, 医 生 失 踪
.6. 改 朝 换 代, 国 库 里 的 钱 失 踪.
7. 网 络 里 讲 真 话, 小 心! 你 可 能 是 下 一 个 失 踪.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Should Sesco compensate the consumers for the power failure?

Should Sesco compensate the consumers for the power failure?
Between 80 and 90 per cent of Sarawak’s 2.4 million population were believed to have been affected by the massive power blackout on the 9th of August 2008.

This is Deputy Works Minister Datuk Yong Khoon Seng’s estimate as he described the state’s worst power failure in recent years as “an unfortunate thing that ever happened”. The blackout which hit almost the entire state, began at 6.45pm.

The BN state government only knows how to protect the corporates against the weak individuals. Remember that there was a case of a gaint construction corporation being compensated by the government over the construction of a HDP? But no, the state government came out to protect the SESCO immediately after the worst power failure and told the people that SESCO would not pay compensation to the people over the power failure. Bearing in mind that SESCO profits runs into hundreds of million over the past few year and it charges the highest tariffs in the country, over that of the Tenaga's and Sabah's tariffs.

No wonder Sarawak is the one of the most underdeveloped states in Malaysia. With BN in control, what else can the people expect? But then again,we have been kept in the dark since Merdeka, so the power failure is a most fitting "reflection" of the state of Sarawak?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

“Do you know any Loan Shark? I need some money.”

I was sitting in my vehicle while waiting for my wife outside a local bank in Sibu last Friday when a woman in her 20s approached me. “Mr., do you know where I can get some “tiger money?” she asked me in Foochow dialect.

I took a good look at her as it puzzled me that a stranger would approach me with that kind of question. I tried to figure out whether she is sane or was it the way I carry myself that she mistook me as a loan shark. She was quite the ordinary young housewife that you would meet in a supermarket and she did not look strange or scare at all.

I took out my reading glasses and asked her whether I heard it wrong. She told me that she needs some urgent money and thus she wants me to introduce her to the loan shark if I know any. I asked her whether she understands how the loan sharks work and how much interest they charge. She kept quite as I told her “to borrow the “tiger money” is like digging your own grave.” She asked me “how do you know?” I told her that she must have come across news about how the loan sharks works and how savage they can be.

I further probed why she needs the money and she told me that her husband gave the money for save keeping and that money was meant to be part of the handling fees for the purchase of a house. She was supposed to take out the money from the bank for the said purpose but the problem is she did not have sufficient in her bank account to draw out.

I told her to go back to her husband and tell him the truth. “He would be mad”, she said. I told her that if she wants to borrow from the loan shark, it would be better to face her husband now or there is no point for her husband to purchase the house anyway. I told her that her husband would appreciate it if she is to tell the truth instead of going down a path of no return.

She seemed lost and the asked me “can you lend me RM3000?” I told her that I would not as she has to solve it her own way and that is to go back to her family. I told her “you can’t dig a hole to cover up the other hole.”

Just then my wife came out from the bank and she said bye and thanks. I do not know the latter development of the young housewife but I hope she will follow the advice and I hope that she will not be the victim and prey of the “Tiger” or loan shark.

I guess there are many out there who are lost and face the similar circumstances like the character here. We can’t save them all from their own acts but we should have more forums to discuss the ills of the societies and we need more organizations to provide support to the poor victims.

David Wong

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How many days does an average man live?

How many days does an average man live?
Many would have given the answer using the average life span of Malaysian (either man or woman) multiply by 360 days a year; say an average Malaysian male would be 71 years multiplies by 360 day or in the case of a woman, 73 years times 360 days. That means we should have some 25,000 days to spare before death and that is really a long time, so what is the hurry to fulfill our lifetime dream, there is always a tomorrow waiting for us anyway.

But one American guru, a doctorate motivational speaker, has it another way. He reasoned that there are only a few words to describe the “days” in our lives, such as YESTERDAY, TODAY and The NEXT DAY. So, we can only find 3 different days in the dictionaries and thus we only live for 3 days in our life time.

Many would have thought “what is wrong with this Doc.?” Or “Are you nuts?” Like I said, the guru is a motivation guru who urges us to live “a purpose driven life”. Since there are only 3 days to live, it is imperative that we live to our fullest and live a meaningful life.

“Yesterday” has been forgone, and then we should live on “Today” and plan carefully for “Tomorrow”. Many of us live a life without purpose and thought there is always a tomorrow, but sometimes tomorrow never comes. We have seen many friends and love ones who left us without any warning at all and some are so young that we often thought to ourselves “what a pity, he has yet to live and enjoy his life.”

Many of us wasted our youth and spent our adulthood wondering what to do in life, what kind of man or woman we should spend our lives with, what kind of job we should pursue, and what kind of holidays to take, what kind of house to buy, what kind of car to lease, and of course what kind of club to join to boost our standing in life without really taking a moment to pause and think “what kind of good deed we should do or what kind of service we have provided for our society and what kind of world and society we want our future generation to inherit”.

One supporter once sms me with the following kind words “Thanks for what you have done, never mind that sometimes you are not been appreciated. At least you have tried and your life has been “beautified and blessed.” A very thoughtful and encouraging comment which I shall always kept in mind in what ever undertaking I shall pursue.

David Wong



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