Tuesday, October 23, 2007

War zone country Vs Space programme

To many people in the developed world, the photos shown here would project images of war-torn and poverty-stricken countries such as Iraq, Lebanon, Sri Lanka or Burma. Hell no, these photos could not be taken in a rich and prosperous country that has just launched its own space programme and sent an astronaut into space like Malaysia!

If the first Malaysian astronaut was lucky enough to see these images from space, would he believe that these are the images of Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia? Would he wonder that how could these be the images in our country that boasted "Malaysia Boleh" and with the tallest buildings(Petronas twin towers) and F1 circuit (Sepang) and space programme (undisclosed amount)that sent him into space.

Our astronaut would think that the people who live here must be living on the trees and without education and bare-footed. It might even crossed his brilliant mind that maybe only illegals live in a place like this as the BN spent lavishly in development programmes every year. The auditor-general report 2006 revealed that we are actually the richest in the world where the government departments spent without limits and could afford to pay RM 5741 on a car-jack worth RM 50. Our finance ministry could pay-off bills worth 900 million ringgit and could not accounted for the physical bills.

Then, what went wrong when the realities of the day are shown in front of our eyes with longhouses burnt (quite a norm in Sarawak) to the ground in minutes and homeless children and old folks begging for the basic like food and shelters that might elude them after all, and roads (few kilometers away from Sibu town center) that could only be found in war-torn countries.

The BN leaders would say"Who say we are backward? They must be the supporters and leaders of the DAP who are against development! These people ought to be punished for tarnishing the good reputation of the country by publishing these kind of photos on the blog to show the whole world. Without them, the world would not have known the truth and reality ".The Chief Minister of Sarawak was reported by the press that the opposition who is against space programme would like the people to live in the "Era of the Dinosaurs".

The BN government promised development and fairness for all Malaysian. BN boasted its administration as the "model" for the developing countries and showed the world how well we have done and how mush we have achieved within a short period of 50 years (44 actually) of Merdeka. The leaders of the BN always compare Malaysia with the African countries and those countries with natural disaster such as Volcano and typhoon activities and tell the rakyat how "fortunate" we are living in Malaysia. Some BN and SUPP leaders went onto the stage and tell the people to be thankful to the BN and lecture the people if the poll results were not to their satisfaction.

Welcome to Sarawak, Malaysia!
Malaysia Boleh!
God bless our country!

David Wong
DAP Sarawak publicity sec.,

Sunday, October 21, 2007

What is right may not be correct.

What is right? What is correct? Is there any difference between the two? The primary school students would able to tell their parents they know the difference to the puzzle of their parents. Does that mean that we are more ignorant than them or simply tell us that what is right may not necessary be correct.

What is right is governed by the natural law, eg what should be morally right and just or what the Bible teaches us if you are a Christian. What is correct means the answer or reaction that is expected by the authorities, peers, superior,family members or even spouse, an example is the correct answer that the school teacher expects or not to report on your friends.Our children have to differentiate the two questions in order to do well in school and in their own circles.

The complexity of that increases with one age and status. Adults tend to tread along the fine line and their success depends very much on their ability to react and respond to the necessity and not their hard work or knowledge. We will cheat if that is the "correct" way to achieve success, we will use our connection to give ourselves the "information" require to secure a business contract. We will even "bribe" to get our kids off the hook of the laws and we can even sell our souls if that would make us a millionaire.Because the road to success is charted by the "correct way" and not the "right way".

One of my sons told me that Moral study is the easiest subject in school. I was puzzled as what he meant to be the easiest and asked "was it because you knew the right from the wrong?" I thought at least we taught him to differentiate the right from the wrong. But his reply was "the correct answer in the test is always the opposite of what we normally do!" I asked "what do you mean the opposite?" He replied "dad, it is simple, let say we broke something in the house and never tell you guys, then the correct answer must be "be honest and tell your parents". Now even the children see what is correct may not be right.

Our society and school are preaching something that the kids do not believe in but they would abide just to escape punishment or to receive rewards for the correct answer given. Parents normally teach the kids what is right from wrong only when there is nothing on the line. However, we will teach them to lie sometimes as 'white lie' doesn't hurt and we will teach them to do the "correct" thing when the consequence is severe. eg. how many parents will tell the kids to report their own follies to the teacher, eg. breaking the glass of the car belongs to that teacher. Because telling the truth under that circumstance would dig a hole in the pocket of the parent, then the correct way is not to tell!

With our good "guidance", the kids of today will turn into the master in giving the "correct" answer in the future. Well, I am relieve as their destiny has been well charted and they have been taught and learnt the "correct" way to live and prosper.

David Wong
DAP Sarawak publicity sec.,

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Sarawakian have lost out 9.2 billion Ringgit!

A staggering 27.6 billion ringgit (8.2 billion US dollars); that's the amount the Malaysian public has incurred through gas subsidies given out over the years to private power producers by national petroleum corporation Petronas.

Tenaga is forced to buy electricity from the private producers under terms widely seen as favourable to the IPPs – even though the country has a 40 percent spare capacity out of a total 19,000-megawatt generating capacity. In effect, Tenaga, which needs a reserve of only 15-20 percent, has to buy electricity it does not need, reportedly paying 3 billion ringgit annually in capacity charges.

Petronas is losing money by subsidising gas to the IPPs, and since Petronas is government owned, that means it is the Malaysian public that is subsidising the profitable IPPs.

Sarawakian need to ask "what all these got to do with us?" Tenaga doesn't supply electricity to Sarawak and we are actually paying more for the electricity consumption than our brothers and sisters in West Malaysia. But Petronas is State-owned and we contribute for a third of Petronas' oil and gas production which means we contibuted to 1/3 of the 27.6 billion ringgit or 9.2 billion ringgit subsidies.

Sarawak government and the federal government have ripped us off in almost everything and most of us are either been kept in the dark or we simply let them have a free hand in everything they do. Sarawak is the state that has been most supportive of the BN governmnet, from the past parliamentary elections, Sarawakian have proven their undivided loyalty to the Federal government with up to almost 100% support given to the BN. With that kind of support, we would presume that the Federal government would reciprocate and taking care of us. However, the state of development of Sarawak is far from equal to that of the Penisular with our infrastructure, medicare, educational facilities some 20 years behind.

I hope that Sarawakian would wake up to teh reality and stand firm in our demand to be treated justly and fairly. Let us not be the ostriches ourselves and hope that everything is fine and teh governmnet would come to their senses ond fine day and repay us for what we have lost out.

44 years ago on 16th September 1963, Sarawakian together with Sabahan and Singaporean chose to create Malaysia together with the Malay Penisular with the hope and aspiration that we will form a properous, just, democratic Malaysia that everyone would be proud of. We are still waiting for that to crystalize and many of us are crying in our hearts, just like the fish (Sarawakian) crying in the water (federal government), without being known and felt by our federal government.

David Wong
Dap Sarawak publicity sec.,

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hidup democracy!

Malaysia's worst-ever ranking in press freedom - dropping 32 spots to 124th place - has renewed calls by campaingers for a review of the country's slew of restrictive media laws.

In my August posting, Freedom of the press is the key to our democracy , i have quoted the following ;

“Our liberty depends on freedom of the press and that cannot be limited without being lost.” -Thomas Jefferson

“Freedom of the press is not just important to democracy, it is democracy.” -Walter Cronkite

Malaysia's press freedom ranking revealed that the Prime minister does not want to hear the truth contrary to what he always preaches. Malaysia's worst-ever ranking in press freedom has proven that Pak Lah does not live up to his own words. It also shows us that we are from free in our own country 44 years after the formation of Malaysia, in fact our democracy is under threat.

How could the media being the 4th power when it can't even report freely especially with the Official Secrets Act 1972 and the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 in force. How could the press report without fear and favour under the BN's authoritative rule.

The awareness among the rakyat about the importance of a free press is still very low and most youth would pay more attention to the sports and entertainments news rather than the social and political news. Although the internet should make it more difficult to stop the flow of informations, but that is still not an effective way of disseminating information and news as there is sinply a lack of interest among youth regarding social-political issues. The Election Commission revealed that there are more than 4 millions unregistered voters tells a thousand tales. Democracy requires free-thinking youth combines with a free press to thrive and we are still short of these essential items at this moment.
David Wong
DAP Sarawak publicity sec

Another con game at work

I just hung up a call from one stranger who claimed that he represents the computer company that has a joint promotion with the Citibank-Air Asia credit cards. He told me he has to "verify" information of the cardholders who want to purchase HP Compaq Presario at a discount.

I did signed up the deal to the purchase and was waiting for the delivery of the computer and thus i did not suspect anything strange. He started by asking for the expiry date of my credit card and the address that i wish the computer to be delivered to, which sounded quite normal.

The last 3 digit is the security number, never reveal them!
But then he asked me for the last 3-digit of the 7-digit number on the back of the credit card. I was alerted to this as this is actually the security number that is required for internet banking or electronic banking. These 3-digit number would enable anyone to purchase on-line as long as they know your credit card's details and revealing them is as good as hanging your credit card to the stranger.

I asked him why did he ask for the 3-digit number and told him that he should know what he can do with the security number. He told me that he needs the numbers to arrange for payment for the computer. I told him that the joint promotion with the Citibank-Air Asia credit card has assure the payment. When i demanded that he give me an explanation for the request ,his reply was"i did not force you." But i told him that he should know better not to do it again as it is a crime under our law to cheat.

Beware and be alert!
There are many card holders who do not know the security related features of the credit cards and how they work on on-line purchasing or other cyber transactions and they feel that as long as the credit cards are in their physical possession everything is OK. But when the con man strikes, it is too late and in law "ignorance is not an excuse".

DAP has on several occasions reminded the people to be alert and not be too trusting as there simply are too many con men around us. Some of them sound very genuine like the incident above-mentioned while some could be see-through and too obvious.

David Wong
DAP Sarawak publicity sec.,

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

黄培根:助人民度难关 政府应觅策解决通膨

黄培根:助人民度难关 政府应觅策解决通膨

(本报诗巫16日讯)针对近来百物涨价,砂民主行动党宣传秘书黄培根今日促请政府应该多关心民情,寻求解决方法,协助人民度过难关。  他是今早在该党例行召开的新闻发布会上表示,该党近来在市区各地走动,发现本地物价全面涨价,且涨幅已达到离谱的地步,包括面包、面条、面粉及食油等都已涨价。

百物涨价生意难做   “面对着百物涨价,业者本身也非常忧愁如何做生意,如面包从1令吉50仙涨至1令吉80仙,更甚的是,面包还会再涨价。”   据他这几日在市区跑动的结果,他指出,各面摊并没有统一价格,干盘面的售价由2令吉至2令吉40仙不等、叻沙的价格介于3令吉至3令吉50仙,而一些地区的面食价格则完全没有变动,令消费者无所适从。  在这种情况下,业者说涨价是逼不得已,消费者则认为涨得离谱。

就此,黄培根强调,问题到底出在那里,根本没有人去关心及了解,尤其是政府领袖对此事似乎一无所知。  他续说,涨风一直吹,而煤气桶预料又将涨价5令吉至12令吉,局势已失去控制,人民已开始失去信心,甚至有者担心如何度过2008年。对于这种情形,黄培根指出,政府于今年7月为公务员加薪25%至35%是一小部份造成涨价的因素,最大的帮凶是政府于2005年将油价调涨30仙.黄培根称,人民要听的不是政府一直说涨价是因为国际原料上涨所造成,而是要看到政府如何带领人民度过此难关。

对于百物涨价一事,他认为,人联党已与人民脱节,因为他们现今只注意党内的斗争问题,并没有去关心及聆听民情。  他表示,人联党的斗争与人民的权益并无丝毫关系,作为砂州第二大执政党,他们应该多关心民情,而不是一直关注内部斗争。  他希望在11月召开的州立法议会里,人联党议员可就此事好好表现,为人民争取应得权益。  

他非常赞同世界张氏公会主席拿督斯里张晓卿曾说:“政党应争取自已族群的权益,而不是默默被边缘化”,同时,他希望人联党领袖可以听到这句话。  此外,黄培根也促请各公会,如咖啡酒餐商公会应召开会议,针对饮料及面食类价格作出决定,并统一所有价格,为业者及人民的权益作出保障。   “若不能的话,深具代表性的华团也应适时的站出来,发挥带头的效用。”   至于贸消部虽然只能控管统制品价格,但他表示,该部门可与各公会一起商量,在人民及业者扮演一个平衡角色。  他说,消费者协会也可以发挥其效用,毕竟他们的支持力量来自人民。他强调,面对百物涨价,节约并不是一个可行的解决方法,因为若不消费就会造成经济阻滞,届时就会产生连锁效应,情形会更糟糕。

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


On the left is the Emblem of the SUPP and the split within the party could very well send this into the history book soon.
Below are news cuttings from the Borneo Post (english) and International Times (Chinese) regarding the continue internal strife within the SUPP.

DAP is deeply disappointed that the SUPP is interested in the internal struggle only and totally ignored the problems and grivances of the people. The SUPP has channelled all its energy and resources to the internal strife since the latter part of 2006 and in the process has lost the will and the ability to serve. After less than 8 months of calm, the leaders are seen jostling for positions at the branch level again in the run-up to its 2008 general assembly which will decide the Presidency of the party.

There are many pressing issues facing the people and yet the SUPP has totally ignored them because it has been totally absolved by the internal strife. Not only are the people complaining, its own members have been very vocal about their disillusion about the party's leaders and the future of the party.

While the SUPP leaders were busy politicising, the DAP leaders in Sibu were busy visiting the people and businesses to find out their problems and plights, most of the people are very angry at the government for the continuing price hike of the essential items and the high cost of living and the wide-spread corruption among politicians and civil servants . The pay-rise of the civil servants have been deeply criticized by the general public especially after the 2006 Auditor-report revealed how rampant were malpractises in government's ministries which ran into tens of billions of Ringgit. How could the country prospers and how could the rakyat be rich under such an adminstration.

Pak Lah has to answer to the people and so do all the SUPP leaders. Pak Lah's credibility is under serious doubt and he and the BN would not be able to project him as "Justice Pao" in the coming election. Like the old Chinese proverb says "Zhi Bao Bu Zhu Huo (You can't cover fire with paper)", the BN will be made answerable in the coming election.

David Wong

DAP Sarawak publicity sec.,


Let CWC act: Wong Soon Koh

SIBU: SUPP Sibu branch will submit six resolutions to the party central working committee (CWC) on the controversy surrounding Dudong branch whose formation has been approved by the Registrar of Societies.

Announcing this last night after the meeting of party leaders here at their branch headquarters, SUPP Sibu chairman Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh said they would ask the CWC to take the appropriate action to resolve the matter.
Despite being pressed by reporters to reveal what the resolutions were, Wong refused to comment, only saying that they would do so after they had submitted them to the CWC “as a sign of respect”.
“The party’s secretary general Datuk Sim Kheng Hui has issued a letter to declare the formation of Dudong branch as premature, and a seven-man committee has been formed to look into ways to resolve the dispute,” he said.

On whether SUPP Sibu had included in the six resolutions a request to take down the Dudong branch signboard that was put up yesterday afternoon, Wong said they would ask the CWC to deal with it.
Pressed further, Wong still refused to say whether there was a request in the resolutions to call for disciplinary action against the people who had contradicted the party regulations in as far as Dudong branch was concerned.
Wong once again repeated, “in the spirit of the statement released by Datuk Sim, we shall ask the committee to take the appropriate action”.
He said he was also taking the advice of the party president Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr George Chan to remain cool and calm.



Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pak Lah, you better listen!

People are crying out for help, is the PM listening?

The woman shoppers at one supermarts were heard saying "this is daylight robbery!" Some shoppers were alarmed and turned to see what happened, was it a snag-thief or was it real robbery in progress?

No, it was a false alarm as there wasn't any crime in progress but it was the remark of two women when they saw the price of a loaf of bread incresed by RM0.40 sen and the price of a particular canned food increased from RM2.50 to RM3.40 within a period of a few months. The price of cooking oil has been incresed so many times that we almost forgot its price last month.Most of the increses are in the region of 25-35%, and maybe the civil servant pay rise was formulated after this scenario.

Hike, hike and more hike!

The price hike hits every sector of the society, may except the top 10% of the mass and those corrupted officials and politicians. From the price of flour, cooking oil, bread, dairies products, canned food, medicines, spicies, stationaries, papers and everything you can think off.

Fuel price hike in 2005 has a direct inpact on the Inflation

Inflation caused the real value of Ringgit to depreciate by some 35%. The Managing Director of one the biggest supermarkets in Sarawak told me last week that the purchasing power of RM100 today is equibilium to RM65 of 2005. That means the true price increase was so severe that the average Malaysian is suffering from the infaltion spiral which the government does not officially recognised.

More price hike after the Raya

After this Hari Raya, the price of cooking gas will further be increased and more will follow. Many in the interior and rural areas of Sarawak have switched back to using the woods for cooking. They are forced to go backward instead and this surely warrent us to think "What is Pak Lah administraction doing?"

Burma situation is the mirror for the BN's government

For days swelling crowds of Buddhist monks and nuns along with secular protesters have marched through the streets of Rangoon (they call it Yangon) and elsewhere chanting for change.

Why were they on the street daring the military juntas leaders to open fire on them? They were not politicians and they were not nuts either, they were forced to go onto the streets to protect the iron-rule of the military and lack of democracy which caused grave hardship to the people. Fuel prices hike of a few hundred percent since last years made it impossible for the ordinary poeple to syrvive while the country's top general spent lavishly on the rich oil and gas reserves.

The Malaysian government must make sure that the economy is well managed and malpractises and corruption are cut down so that we do not have to follow Berma's footstep, ie. the hike of fuel prices to fuel the ailing economy.

David Wong

DAP Sarawak publicity sec.,


Friday, October 12, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya and may God bless our country

The end of the month of Ramadam offers new beginnings for all the people of Muslim-faith as Ramadan is a special month for inner reflection, devotion to God, and self-control. To many, it is a method of spiritual self purification, but has many meanings to many people.
We will be trurly blessed if our nation's leaders and politicians and beauraucrats would really understand the true meaning of Ramadam and acts accordingly as this would create a class of leaders unseen in most countries. The purification is most needed in Malaysian case as the auditor-general reports of 2006 revealed how the country had been mismanaged and how serious were the malpractises of the governmental departments and ministries.
Even the ex-PM and the ex-IGP went to the press talking about the seriousness of corruption or misconduct of the police, civil servants, politicains and even cabinet minister. This was unseen and unimaginable in the past but it truely reflects the seriousness of the mismanagement of the country.
DAP always preaches the inportance of national intergration and how importance the racial harmony and mutual understanding and respect was for our multi-racial and multi-cultural country. But the government must take the lead and set the example for the rakyat, it could jump start by doing away the NEP, the Ketuanan Melayu, the unfair educational policies and declare war on corruption .
Selamat Hari Raya!

Singapore Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew challenged Malaysia to surpass the city-state

MM Lee of Singapore challenged the Malaysia government to buck up! He revealed that Malaysia thought that the city-state would not survive its independence and would crawl back and beg for forgiveness. He further revealed that Malaysia's success depends on the UMNO led BN government's policies in giving the non-bumi the chances and opportunities to excel in the fields of education, economic and even in the public sectors.

What is behind his wicked mind this time?
However, MM Lee did not pose the challenge without a motive, the question is "what is behind his wicked mind this time?" The UMNO leaders might jibe that Singapore felt threathened by Malaysia's Iskandar corridor or zealous about our success in attracting FDIs to Johor. Some would even boosts that MM Lee is slowly coming to his sense in accepting Malaysia's sovereignty.

I would say MM Lee is worried about the rising racial-tension between the Malays and the non-bumis and the over-jealous UMNO leaders that are on the rise in the government. Any unrest and racial problem would caused more problem for Singapore and the survival of the city-state hangs on the political equation of Malaysia.

Singapore per capital income of USD 26,000.00
MM Lee spoke with the knowledge that Malaysia per capital income of some USD 7,800.00 is less than 1/3 of that of the city-state. He also knew that Malaysia is running into deficit for the eleventh straight years, meaning that the country lives on borrowing since 1996. MM Lee also knew that the NEP being in place since 1980 have cost the country some USD 380 billions because of corruption and malpractises.

Chinese students are the targets of Singapore's search for brain
Singapore has capitalised on the Malaysian's racial-based educational policies and each year it recruited hundreds of the brightest Malaysian students by offering them scholarships to further their studies in Singapore. Most of these were given jobs and employment after their graduation and many would take up permanent residency there.

Malaysia Boleh mentality will forever make Malaysian hostages
MM Lee knew very well that Malaysia will never surpass the city-state with its current mentality and that the racial-based policies would guarantee that position. No country would survive with protectionist policies and China success is the best case study for all those developing and under-developed countries.

MM Lee hopes Malaysia would do well
But i believe that Singapore would like to see a properous Malaysia instead of one that is marred by racial-tension, poverties and unrests. The causeway shows how closed we are and how inseparateable we are not only in the past, the present and the future.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Malaysia prepares to go to the SUN? A joke by David Wong

here goes the tale...

There was a UN session on space programme abd as the subject if of ultra important, most countries were represented by their top leaders and scientists. The session was not reported by the media because of the sensitive issues regarding space-wars programmes and suspected terrorists involvement on some Eastern blog countries.

The US and the Russia and China were represented either by their President or Chairman but as our PM is busy honey-moon-ing, we sent our most senior politician there, and who else is more fitting than our Uncle Sammy! At least the name sounds like Uncle Sam of the US, what a brilliant idea by Ong Ka Ting of the MCA.

Anyway, the UN session started with the SG who speaks English with the heavy Korean slang about world peace and how to use the technology know-how to promote foods and to pronounce war on global warming.

The Russian, Pudding then blasted on who was the first people in space and boosted about almost 2000 trips into space for the last 50 years.He further challenged the US not to develop the space-war programme initiated none other than the 3rd-class actor, Mr. Read-gain.

That got the Cowboy Bush's brain burning like a hamburger on the grill, he told the delegates there that the American was the first to set foot on the Moon or else there would be no M00n-walker, would it? He further accuse the Usama gang of buying technology shares in Bleak-water , the cowby firm who had secure contract to kill in Iraq bla bla bla...

The" Who" guy from China was really pissed off by the Rude Pudding and Cowboy Bush, he stood out and told them in no uncertain term that the Chinese have celebrated the Moon Cake festival for thousands of years and wonder loudly where were the Russian and Yankie then. He told the delegates that China 5000 years history and untold number of fairy tales have proved that the Chinese are the sons of the Dragaon and thus the Emperors were "Tain-Zhi" in ancient China and the space is no big deal for the sons of the dragon. He got full support from the Japs and the Korean, they share the same ancestors, or didn't they? The Japs PM whom i can't remember because he was in office for less than a dozen months promised that his Emperor's army would do more from now on.

They were so busy and they ignored the presence of our Malaysia Boleh's representative, who was at that point 'dark-faced' like the wok i have at home. They can't see the difference though because everyone knows Uncle Sammy is our very MIC chief. He stood up and combed his inplanted hair with his claws and shouted 'attention!, may i have the floor now!'. The delegates were speechless and really took aback by this guy from Malays-land of SE Asia.

Uncle Sammy fist told Uncle Sam's representaive, the Cowboy Bush to listen and told the Pudding that just because Malaysia paid 3.4 bilions just to send a handsome traveller into space doesn't mean that Malaysia is stupid. He said' the race to space has just started !' Malaysia will be the fore-runner in 10 years time and that the US, the Russia and the Chinese will have to acknowledge Malaysia has the most heroic vision. Cowboy Bush stood up and challenged "what do you mean? You actually thought that you can beat us in the space-race?Hahaha.....The Who guy from China also joined in and smeared at Uncle Sammy.

Uncle Sammy then shouted into the microphones "Malaysia has started a programme called "project Matahari" or in your language "the sun project".
"We are going to the sun in 10 years time, you heard me now, don't you?"

The whole assembly fell dead silence and the face of the Cowboy, the Pudding and the Who guy turned pale with the rest of the members fighting for oxygen. The impact was done and the whole world now pay its fullest attention to the Malays-land.

Seconds past before the rude Cowbot jumped up again "how the hell can you go to the sun? you will melts even before you get close!" "pure bull shit!" shouted the Pudding. "Bu Ke Nen, said the Chinese Who.

Uncle Sammy was real proud then and shouted
"you idiots, we will go to the Sun at Mid-night!"

Our Malaysia Boleh spirit was finally understood by the leaders of the world from that day on...

David Wong

DAP Sarawak publicity sec.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Watch out ET, here comes the lady-killer?

Countdown starts for M'sian astronaut
Oct 10, 07

Malaysia's first astronaut was to blast off today on a space voyage seen as breaking new boundaries for the Asian nation and for space travel by Muslims.Malaysian officials have described the voyage as a national milestone as their country marks 50 years of independence.
The visit has been arranged as part of a billion-dollar purchase by Malaysia of Russian fighter jets, Russia being the operator of the Baikonur cosmodrome in ex-Soviet Kazakhstan. Russians have sent off 1800 such mission without problem but at least we can follow them into space for the money we spent on defence.
We have to be proud that we have finally produced an astronaut although we can't even launched our own satellite. It was a pity that he can't wear the Batik in space or else that could attract world attention and Milan would not be the fashion capital anymore.
Another pity would be he can't show off our very own 'tea-tarik' in space which certainly annoyed some Malaysian officials here. But i bet the Malaysian space programme director would at least be able to produce 'space-lemak' so that our first astronaut would not be homesick in space.
Perhaps the most important thing for the Malaysian would be what would be the first word he says in space. Would he greet the Muslim first for the breaking of the fast? Would he address the national leaders like Pak Lah and Najib? Would he recite the Koran in space?Would he produce an inspirational speech to address the nation on the important of supporting the BN in the coming election?
What is his real mission?
There were simply too many questions and the list could go on and on but how come i did not mention what scientific experiment he would undertake? Malaysian are puzzled as to what is the real mission of the astronaut , that has to be one, if not how on earth can we tell the world why we send an astronaut into space without a mission?
The BN would say this is another first to show Malaysia-Boleh! We can do anything if we have the money, can't we? Even without the technical know-how and high-tech industry, we can still hop onto the band wagon of the superpowers as long as we have the oil money to spare. Never mind that the country is running a trade deficit for the 11st straight year and never mind that our per capital income is only 1/4 of our Singapore couterparts. At least there is no Singaporean in space yet, or was there?
Keep the spirit burning this Ramadan, let reality sets in after our astronaut returns and 'touch-downs' in 10-days time.
David Wong
DAP Sarawak publicity sec.,

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Sample of the 2007 PMR Science and Maths papers

Open cheating? If not, then what is it?

Photo shows David Wong and Wong Ho Leng showing the reporters the 2007 PMR's Maths and Science papers.
DAP accused the Ministry of education of 'open cheating' in the just concluded PMR exams in Malaysia. The outcry came after David Wong found out that the papers for the 2 subjects (which were taught and supposed to be examined in English) were in bilingual format, i.e in English and Bahasa Melayu. The Bahasa Melayu was seen as a special assistance to the Malays only while Chinese and Tamil students were not given any assistance at all.
David Wong told the press that it is universal that any public exam should be 'fair, just and non-discrimanating' to any student and that has been breached by the Ministry of education as shown in the PMR's Science and Maths papers. The inclusion of Bahasa Melayu was seen by the people and those in the educational fields as an instrument to help the students who were from the national type of primary schools especially the Malays.
He said that many Chinese students felt they were treated unfairly and were frustrated that their own chinese representatives in the BN are not doing anything to give them JUSTICE. Many parents felt absolutely dejected by the unfair treatment to their kids and felt that there is simply no place for them in this country of ours.
'Special rights' for the bumi
David Wong further criticised the BN for implementing the NEP type of 'special rights' to the bumiputras in its educational policies. He further revealed that the finding was not exclusive to the PMR but were also applicable to the SPM(form 5) and STPM (form 6), and that was unfair to the non-bumi students as the results of these 2 public exams were used to apply for government scholarship or into local universities. If certain group was given 'special treatment' than the other groups definitely will lost out in the competition.
David Wong further criticised the BN for practising racial-based discrimanating policies while calling for national intergration. He said only when the government can treat all Malaysian with fairness and equality will our future be secured in this multi-racial and multi-cultural country of ours.
BN must stop its 'Ketuanan Melayu' agendas immediately
David Wong urged the government to stop the Malay supremacy agendas as we are facing competition globally instead of with our own brothers and sisters in Malaysia. Malaysia is not the centre of the universe and there will be no "Malay first" policy in the global market and he said there would not be any exam in Bahasa Melayu and English in the UK, US, Australia or Canada or in any Asian country outside Malaysia.
He urged the Chinese-based parties within the BN to stand tall for what is rights and just for all Malaysian and the country and he questioned the SUPP as to their stand in unfair educational policies of the government.
David Wong
DAP Sarawak Publicity Sec.,

SUPP, please grow up and accept the challenge for a public debate

File photo of David Wong with DAP state Chairman, Wong Ho Leng and other party's comrades at one of their press release in the west bank of Sibu
黄培根挑战人联 辩土地治安课题
黄培根不认同只讲不做 执政党执政反对党监督
(诗巫2日讯)砂州行动党宣传秘书黄培根抨击诗巫人联党一名领袖日前指责行动党只会讲,不会做,唯有国阵成员党能在国阵里与友党商量,为地方带来发展. 对此言论,黄培根深感不同意。他说,从事政治工作者应该懂得在朝野党的不同角色。执政党执政;反对党监督。  他是於今早在该党例常新闻发布会上如斯表示。  
他指出,地方基本建设发展本是政府责任,因为人民缴还纳税钱,政府利用国内资源去实行,但这一切并非是反对党所能。  他说,反对党在民主社会里是受到选民承认的党派,人民委托反对党去监督政府所实行的政策与方针,这才是反对党的责任。如果反对党不敢怒敢言,人民才会认为反对党失责。
已是来届南兰区行动党准候选人的他表示,其对手张泰卿的确是位好好先生。可是国会选举与个人的好形象并不能画上等号。   “是否他要将其进行的慈善活动与政治挂勾在一起?换句话说,如果他在来届大选中失利,是否意味着他从此不再捐款?”   他说,在国会里辩论的不是好好先生与捐款问题,而是针对不公的政策发表言论。
David Wong
DAP Sarawak publicity sec.

Sarawak Land Issues- the truth always hurts

The Truth always hurts
The news cutting on the left are the actual problems and difficulties that the Sarawakian are facing under the state's current Land Code(1958). Dap is the only political party that speaks out against all these unfair policies since the 90s and yet the SUPP is reluctant to recognise the issues even after its defeat in the 520 state election last year.
The people in the state sent out a very clear message to the state BN, especially the SUPP, in 2006 and yet the state government and the CM just refused to acept the verdict that the land issues are unacceptable and unjust to the people and are hampering the economic growth of the state.
Instead of accepting the challenge for a public debate with the DAP, the SUPP is politicking the whole issue and in the news released yesterday it is arranging a land issues' tour together with the officials of the Land and Survey department. Its President, George Chang is reported saying that there is no need for the people to be concerned with the land issues and that the opposition DAP is simply misleading the rakyat about the government's new land policies.
Under the new land policies, the state governmnet imposed a new tariff for the renewal premium as high as 25-40% of the land's value. The new land policies did not give the landoners any choice when it comes to government compulsory acqusiation under S48 of the Land Code.
These two have been under heavy criticism from the DAP as it is against the basic fundamental rights of the people not to give automatic uncondictional renewal to the landowners as "land" is the single most important 'tangible property' a person can own. Furthermore, it is not inducive for FDI and local investors to invest and set up production facilities in Sarawak.
I have issued a open challenge to the SUPP to a debate and the land issues is one of the key topics but so far thare is no respond form the SUPP. I wasn't not a bit surprise either as the DAP have issued open challenge to the SUPP on many occasions without success. Put it bluntly, the SUPP can't face the truth and the truth hurts-the Land Code is simply UNACCEPTABLE!
I urge all the Sarwakian to stand united in this issue-the BN must be taught to change...
David Wong
DAP Sarawak publicity sec.
避免反对党大选时造谣 人联下月土地讲解会

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

World class tiolet makes world class city! Robert Lau's vision!

Robert Lau is seen here on the 3rd from left

Let’s do less politicking, says Sibu MP

People told to focus on economic devt or investors will look elsewhere for opportunities

SIBU: The people here have been urged to focus on the economic development of the town and their own rather than to involve themselves too much in politics.

Deputy Minister of Housing and Local Government Datuk Robert Lau gave this reminder during a Mooncake gathering organised by Sibu Oya Road Community Association (SORCA) at Blue Splendour Restaurant Sunday night.

Robert Lau's has quite a wield mentality
We know that RL is still young at heart at 65 but mentally he might be quite a lost old man because he forgot most of the things he spoke and promised.Robert Lau also mentioned about turning Sibu into a world class city. I guess his has his own way of turning Sibu into a world class city even though Sibu does not even have a full-fledges University and has only a population of around 230,000.

Below are some of the promises he or the so-called visionary team made to the people of sibu:-

1)We all know that the Wawasan Team to whom RL is a member has promised the people in Sibu Southern Australian University which turned up to be totally untrue. The chancellor of the University replied to our state chairman WHL that the university has no plan of coming to Sibu or to any other country to set up any campus.

2)Robert Lau should not forget that the Wawasan team had promised the people in Sibu the city status by 2005. That promise was again proved to be an empty promise and the Wawasan team later on said it passed the chance to Miri first! Maybe we will achieved our by 2020 when the Wawasan is not around to fool the people anymore,don't get me wrong, i wish them long life, i meant when they have been kick out and rejected by the people.

3)His team made lots of promises to the people since 2001 and the people are still waiting for the delivery. Every election brings new promises and disappointment follows after the election.

Construction of world-class toilets in Sibu
Robert Lau and his team should know that setting up a few world-class toilets simply do not make Sibu a world-class city. The people should know that Robert Lau is the 4th term MP for Sibu and Tiong TK is the 3rd term MP for Lanang.

Both of them take turn to become the Chairman of the SMC and all the people know that they have both failed to bring development to Sibu and both of them can't even make a decent Chairman of the SMC AS SIBU HAS THE WORST DRAINAGE AND ROADS in the whole of Sarawak.But they have constructed a few public toilets costing a few hundred thousand each.

Sarawak Land policies are against the wishes of the people and against development

Robert Lau and Tiong TK have always been the mouth pieces of the BN and will always take alliance with the CM and the Umno whenever there is a conflict of interest between the rakyat and the government. They were never the representatives of the people and they forgot that they are supposed to represent the people instead of the BN.

For example, the people have to pay a hefty premium of 25%-50% of the land price for the renewal of the land leases when they expired. That would cost the people RM30,000 to RM50,000 depending on the market value of the land.How does that argue for what Robert Lau said“Focus on economic development instead of indulging too much on political issue to enhance your economic status.”Even China has passed the property law that gives unconditional and automatic renewal of the land leases once they expired.

David Wong
DAP Sarawak publicity sec.

Monday, October 1, 2007

More BN's leaders should be robbed?

With reference to the news reporting that an Assistant Minister, Daud B Abdul Rahman was robbed in his house, i could not help but wonder whether it was actually a blessing in disguise as this would ring a much louder alarm to the authorities concerned as to the state of our security.

Everyday, we wake up to the news that there were more house-breaking, violent crimes and rape-and-murder cases the night before and yet the government and the police seem to offer no solution at all. Maybe, they just would not be bothered by such crimes when the victims are ordinary people.

The crime issues have hit an all time high lately in Sarawak and the people just wonder when would the police step-up their effort in bringing peace and security to the people. Many have simply lost faith in the authorities and turned to other means to protect themselves.

Wasn't that a case in Kuching where the locals turned to the thugs for protection and they revealed that the house break-in actually came to a halt after that. Who is responsible for such a scenario? Thugs for our protection?

Many called us to comment that magbe "more BN leaders should be robbed before any serious action would be taken to burst crimes head-on." Maybe they is certain truth in it afterall as the assistnace minister's case surely brought the attention of the authorities.

ACA should take action.
It was reported that the estimated value of the items robbed was about RM400,000.00,in cash, watches, jewelery and handphone. We should ask how an assistant minister gathered so much wealth in his house and how much more have he got in the banks and how much shares and land does he and his family own.

The ACA should take immediate action to investigate and the CM should also ask his man to report it in the Dewan in November. The DAP Aduns must make sure that this issue is brought into the house for debate so that we woulde enlightened as well.

David Wong
DAP sarawak publicity sec.



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