Friday, October 12, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya and may God bless our country

The end of the month of Ramadam offers new beginnings for all the people of Muslim-faith as Ramadan is a special month for inner reflection, devotion to God, and self-control. To many, it is a method of spiritual self purification, but has many meanings to many people.
We will be trurly blessed if our nation's leaders and politicians and beauraucrats would really understand the true meaning of Ramadam and acts accordingly as this would create a class of leaders unseen in most countries. The purification is most needed in Malaysian case as the auditor-general reports of 2006 revealed how the country had been mismanaged and how serious were the malpractises of the governmental departments and ministries.
Even the ex-PM and the ex-IGP went to the press talking about the seriousness of corruption or misconduct of the police, civil servants, politicains and even cabinet minister. This was unseen and unimaginable in the past but it truely reflects the seriousness of the mismanagement of the country.
DAP always preaches the inportance of national intergration and how importance the racial harmony and mutual understanding and respect was for our multi-racial and multi-cultural country. But the government must take the lead and set the example for the rakyat, it could jump start by doing away the NEP, the Ketuanan Melayu, the unfair educational policies and declare war on corruption .
Selamat Hari Raya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Certain people went through the process because they were born into it and because that is what they parents and Iman told them.

The fasting month does not make those filthy and corrupted less sinful or cleansed them from their sinful acts. The politicains only capitalised on the Ramadam to project a "holy" image but they still carry on their normal sinful acts behind closed doors' i guess one mr. zakaria is the classic example.



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