Monday, February 4, 2008

SUPP says "NO!"

The SUPP's top leaders in Sibu have all turned down the challenge of the DAP for a public debate in the coming general election.

When questioned by the press regarding the invitation by DAP Sarawak publicity sec., David Wong, for a public debate, its Sibu branch Chairman Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh said "The SUPP will not accept such an invitation."

Its deputy Chairman, Datuk Robert Lau and its candidate for the Sibu Parliamentary seat,
meanwhile replied "What is there to debate? Ask DAP to work hard and show the rakyat their report card."

Its candidate for the Lanang Parliamentary seat, Datuk Tiong Thai King, replied that he has no comment but added "I feel that it is better to be low-profile."

The above replies were expected by me as i knew that they would not dare to face the DAP leaders and the rakyat and they knew that they have failed to represent the people of Sibu in the Parliament and in the BN.

No respect
The replies also revealed that they did not respect the people of Sibu and treat them with contempt. How could a political party represent the people when they despised the people wished to be "informed" by the political parties about thier political agendas and policies matter? They simply can't face the people with the BN race-based policies just like the MIC can't face the Indian community after Hindraf.

The people want "change"
No, the people in Sibu and Lanang will see through the "fear factors" of the SUPP and they will send the political cowards a clear message in the coming election "No vote without accountability and true representation!" and they will seek for "change" which the SUPP dreads.

David Wong

火箭勿演口水秀” 黄顺舸:脚踏实地做事
(诗巫3日讯)针对行动党黄培根邀请人联党两位大选准候选人公开进行辩论,身为诗巫支部党魁拿督斯里黄顺舸部长劝告行动党勿做口水秀,不要多此一举! 黄顺舸在接受电访时表示,人联党不会接受如此不必要的邀请,并劝请行动党要多做事情,脚踏实地工作,不要多此一举,更无须口若悬河。冀黄培根多为民服务 同时,他希望黄培根多为人民服务。 

此外,该党诗巫选区准候选人拿督刘会洲在电话访谈中激动地表示:“辩什么论?叫行动党要脚踏实地工作,将所做出的成绩交给人民评估。”  刘会洲说,人联党绝不像行动党那样做口水秀,基此人联党根本不需要辩论。 



Anonymous said...

Because they do not want to upset the bigger bosses up there.

David Wong's blog said...

I have explained in my press conference today why they did not want to accept the challenge by the DAP. I will post the contain here tomorrow for all to see what kind of a political party the SUPP is and unveiled their true characters.

In short, the SUPP have no guts to their political master, the UMNO, the Chief Minister and now they don'y even dare to face the DAP and the people.

They have no influence in the policies-making of the BN government, either at the state level or the federal leval. The proof is after they joined the BN for 37 years, they could only beg the BN to give out some candies before election. A vote to the SUPP is a vote for the BN.

They have no political agendas at all of their own and can only follow what the BN wants the non-bumi to accept. The best thing for them is to urge the people to go for the status quo.

To sum up, the SUPP have become politically bankrupt and will not be able to represent and lead the people. They have failed totally and 37 years have gone down the drain. What else can the people do but to seek "change".

David Wong

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