Saturday, June 21, 2008

Another incident at the National Service Camp

I just received a call from one of the trainees from the Bumimas Camp of Khidmat Negara, he told me that he and his fellow trainees (10 of them)were physically abused by the local police after the camp trainer reported that they were involved in a fight in the camp last night.
According to the trainee, name withheld here until i met him, there was no such fight in the camp yesterday and they were innocent. I would not be able to prove it today as i can't bring in the reporters to hear their stories.
I told them to meet me tomorrow morning as they were allow to come out for the church service on Sunday and let see what the truth is. But the bottom line is, if the camp commandant can't handle such a minor incident without the police, how are we able to send our kids to the camp without having to worry about their well beings and safety?
My stand about the end to National Service remains and may be more so after incidents that happened these 2 days. We are wasting our limited resources on a ill-defined and hastily implemented project that is not achieving anything and that cost us RM 500 million per year and then more.
The BN should focus on making the lives of the people better and not on unnecessary projects that made a few cronies rich, and i do mean filthy rich. The confidence level of the people on the BN is at historical low and incidence like this surely explains why. So, to the PM, i would like to ask "you want to hear the truth? It is on the newspapers everyday, look no further!"

David Wong

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